26. Feeling same pain

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❝He's gonna break you

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❝He's gonna break you.
But you are gonna love him anyway.❞


           RISHIT moved his head up from the laptop and winced while placing his hand on the back of his neck. His head moved to Taara who was sitting by the dining table with a laptop on. She kept kneading the dough but her eyes stayed on the screen.

He hated to cause her trouble but he had no other option. His leg was above the teapoy ahead of him while draped in the cast. His hand was still paining but it was better now. The other one was still wrapped in the cast.

His head injury was healing now and the white bandaid was removed. The wounds on the other parts were healing fine too but his doctor said he would need time. So weather change was a good option too.

The planning of the trip was in full swing by everyone around. The hotels were booked, and the places were decided. Just the packing was to be taken care of now.

He kept watching on the screen for some time. "Rishit."

"Huh?" He moved his head to Taara while being dumbfounded. She raised her eyebrows.

"Sorry, what?" He asked again.

"What are you thinking?" She asked. He shook his head slightly.

"Nothing..." He left the sentence unattended and thought for a moment before speaking again, "I can stay with Mom and Dad now. It's fine for me."

She glared back at him. "Won't it be trouble for them? They are old..." She said as he watched his screen again while feeling guilty.

She sighed before adding ahead, "Instead of saying that. Take a lesson from this time and make sure to not repeat the mistakes of your past. Everything will be fine," She said.

He let out a deep breath and nodded. "Will it really be fine?" He asked as he watched her again.

She nodded in assurance. "Yes," She said and smiled at him.

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