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          HE gritted his teeth and threw the business magazine on the table in front of him

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          HE gritted his teeth and threw the business magazine on the table in front of him. It hit the coffee mug nearby gently but the force was enough to spill some coffee out of that full mug.

His hands moved down his face and stayed on the lower part while covering it. His annoyed eyes kept watching that face in front of him as many thoughts started running through his mind.

She was getting married? How could she?

The two questions stayed echoing in his head while making him feel frustrated. His fists got clenched automatically as he got up with a rapid speed. His manager who stood nearby got alert with his actions.

His anger was never easy to handle for anyone around but she did it effortlessly. His glassy cold eyes were still on her smiling face that held the most of the page.

"Find out if this article is true," he muttered but loud enough for Aakash to listen. He nodded quietly because speaking something means adding to his anger. That will be followed by humiliation and he wanted to avoid it at any cost.

He let out a few deep breaths as his eyes went to the glass window of his 10th-floor cabin. The view was stunning. The famous Bandra-Worli sea-link and the vast sea at some distance looked beautiful. The half part of Mumbai was visible from here. It was calming to see this city holding that big ocean beside it. He loved it and so did she. They chose this place to build their empire but now he was alone here.

He would see her in the corridors of this work but they were mere strangers for the past year. There was just one thing that still connected them and that was their 5 years old daughter, Rutvi. They talked just for her sake but that talk mostly ended in a fight.

He sighed deeply and moved his gaze back to those words written beside her picture. Was there any truth? He wanted to shut his eyes and act like it didn't matter but it did and sadly, it hurt too.

The pain he kept feeling for the past year grew suddenly and made him realise many of his mistakes clearly. He knew everything was his fault yet he didn't think she will take this huge step and settle with someone else. But then he knew their story since before marriage. She didn't hide anything from him and that's what he loved about her.

What was he expecting? They got married early just after they graduated because of family pressure. The marriage was arranged but they still acted like a couple in love for years. 25 was too early for marriage, they understood it, they wanted to know each other better but fell prey to the blackmailing family.

They said you'll understand each other better once you get married. But nothing went as they wanted. The differences started getting seen just after a year of the marriage. Their careers, their dreams came in their way and distanced them from each other. The pregnancy added to the growing tension between them and after fighting for years, they finally decided to part ways.

But the custody of the child was shared by both of them so they had no choice but to face each other on a few occasions for their daughter's sake.

Their empire was built by both of them as well and thus they have to face each other at work too but they cleverly divided their work here and stayed out of each other's way and sight. There was just one thing they felt for each other and that was respect.

The love, if it was ever there then it got faded. That's what they believed in and that's what everyone else said but was it true? They never really tried to figure it out while being in the fire of the ego.

It's been a year since that. They were in their early 30s now. And while seeing the magazine laid on the table with that unexpected news displayed on it, his mind accepted the thing his heart always knew.

He knew he ruined everything and he knew he never stopped loving her. The love was there no matter what others say. But what was the point of thinking about it at this point? She was never going to come back to him and her wide smile told him that he had lost her forever.

He closed his eyes briefly as a groan left his mouth. He felt frustrated with himself. The anger kept filling inside him but he needed to stay calm as he had no other option but to see her go away from him forever. He had to move on for good. For himself and for that other girl in his life.

He knew he needed to be sane for the sake of his daughter, their daughter as she was the only thing left in his life and he wanted to cherish her without repeating the same mistakes as he can't afford to lose her now.


Author's Note

Here we go with prologue and first chapter will be out today or on Sunday and later we will go with weekly updates or something. Let's see, I'll update as per time permits. :)

Also, I have changed Varun's picture from cast because the new one was really gorgeous. Couldn't help it! Hehehe!

Anyway, let me know your views and do vote if you liked this. I'll be back super soon.

Till then, signing off.

Till then, signing off

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