12. Everything feels fine if you are around

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❝If I didn't care about you, I wouldn't get so mad at the things you do

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❝If I didn't care about you, I wouldn't get so mad at the things you do.❞


          RISHIT walked back into the dark living room of their penthouse. He threw bag and blazer on one of the couches and got settled on another. He lowered his head and held it in both hands while feeling frustrated with himself.

His loud groan killed the silence of the room. He gritted his teeth and moved his hand rapidly on the teapoy in the front. Everything kept above it fell down on the ground while making a huge sound.

The glass of the vase shattered on the ground. He sighed deeply and rested his head back on the couch again while feeling anger surfacing within him. His eyes held the ceiling as he kept staring at it blankly just the same.

He felt so much that he got numb in that moment. Her hurtful face kept flashing in his head as those words poked his heart while making everything unbearable.

They had been separated for almost a year now then why did it hurt this much now? He knew the reason to why but he refused to admit it.

Even when they parted, he knew he would see her in those corridors, he knew he would talk to her, he knew they had a daughter to take care of as well but now everything was snatching for real and he realised he didn't has anything left there.

All the while he kept those feelings suppressed under his ego but now as the harsh reality was hitting him hard he understood what he felt in a true sense. He always had taken people for granted and when they left, he refused to go after them as it hurt his pride.

The pride he held so dearly had always acted against him afterall. His parents still went along, his brothers ignored his behaviour but it was just her who refused to bend in front of him while agreeing with what he had to say.

It was true that she had loved him or maybe even now she loves him but she knows where to draw the line and she was never ready to compromise her self-respect. He understood that, he respected her and her views but he might have failed somewhere. That was the reason she wasn't around anymore.

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