15. Almost perfect day

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❝We don't understand each other

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❝We don't understand each other. That's why there are so many bad things happening to us.❞


         THE preparations for the party were on point. The guests started filling the place while being true to the theme. Rishit and Taara were making sure everyone was fine while Vikram took charge of entertaining people as well as serving the perfect food for the evening.

Rishit was decked up in his pirate outfit as he played with the kids while making them laugh ahead. The evening was just starting when the grandparents from both sides arrived along with Nitya, Rajveer, Nivedita and Yug.

Taara greeted Rishit's parents as they engulfed her in the tightest hug possible while showing their adoration for their daughter like daughter-in-law. Rishit would always say that he felt like Ghar jamai i.e. son-in-law settled in his wife's home.

"How much we miss you. You seem to have cut us from your life," Rishit's mother complained.

Taara made an apologetic face. "I didn't want to complicate the matters, mom, you know everything well," Taara said as she smiled and gave a nod.

"Yes, I do understand but it's a mother's heart and you know it well too," She said. Taara smiled and nodded. "I'll make sure to visit you whenever I could but I will face time you regularly. I promise," she said while making that old couple laugh.

"Don't forget else I won't let that slide," She said while faking anger. Taara chuckled before giving her a nod.

"At least drop Ritu to these poor old people. They want to play with their granddaughter," Rishit's father spoke. Taara nodded.

"Yes, Papa, I'll drop her there after school..." She said. He nodded back in happiness.

"Ritu, Dadi and Dadu are here," She shouted further after finding Rutvi in the crowd of kids. She looked at her paternal grandparents and the excitement could be visible on her face as she ran to them.

Those two generations hugged each other tightest and they lived that moment after ages. Taara felt a bit guilty for having forgotten about taking Rutvi to meet them.

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