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Lying Witch and a Warden Pt1


A green haired witch swiftly landed on the edge of a fiery chasm. She was standing against a huge snake, thats staring down at her.

"You foolish child! I could swallow you whole!" The serpent hissed down at the witch in front of him. The witch answered by lifting her hat a little. She glared at the adversary in front of her. "Do not underestimate me Glidersnake," She said and held her staff of to the side. "For I am the good witch Azura! Warrior of Peace!"

She held her hand dramatically over her chest and paused. Azura quickly crouched down and held her staff like a bazooka. She pumped her staff full of magic "Now eat this sucker!" She yelled and rapidly shot missiles at the Serpent.

"No! My only weakness. Dying!" Glidersnake exclaimed in pain as he fell into the lava pit.


"And that's the end." Luz smiled at the principal, holding a small Azura figurine. The teen beside her softly pets the small snake in his hands, with satisfied smile o his lips. He always liked reptiles.

"...the end of what?" Camilla asked.

"Our Book Report, Miss Noceda..obviously." Y/N answered softly. He didnt even flinch as the Snake hissed and suddenly bit Luz' doll in the head. Camilla and Y/N dad sighed in unison.

"And I think it went well." He said as he glanced over to Luz. His father shook his head as Camilla gave out another quiet sigh. The principal shook his head, looking at the teens.

"You book report is why you are here, kids." He looks out the door's window to see Children running around with snakes in their hair or around their legs and arms.

"Oooh, so thats where the back up snakes are" Luz grumbles.

"Well if it makes you feel better, sir. Non of them are venomous.... But you shouldnt let them get near your throat" Yn shrugged.

His father, Mr. Najera, sighs tiredly at his sons behaviour. The principle could only shake his head at hte boy to further ad to the distress.

"And what were you two even going to do with this?" Camilla held up a firework

"That was for the Act three closure..." The two friends looked at the ground in guild.

"Sweeties, we really love your creativity. Of both you. But it's gotten out of hand." Mr. Najera looked at the two teens with a concerned look. Camilla put her hand on Luz' shoulder. "Do you remember the last time you two got send to the principals office?"

"Oh, come on! It wasn't that bad.." Y/N then sighs, remembering the las three accidents that sent them to the principals office.


Flashback 1

"Hey, Y/N! Can you help me with something?" Luz yelled quite loud, while Y/N just looked over to her with a condused expression, but then just walked over to her. "Sure thing. What do you need?" Luz just explained her plan and Y/N nodded in agreement. Smiling evily

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