I still have no idea what is behind that vault, but I have to figure that out. Maybe first get out of here alive Magnolia.

My heart beat quickens suddenly when foot steps can be heard on the other side of my cell door. I hope they don't expect from me to survive an other beating, because that will probably not be the case if albino guy shows up again. I keep my eyes glued to the door and watch as it opens after hearing the key lock unlocking it.

When I catch a glimpse of the person that crosses the door, I am left paralysed with my breathing caught in my throat. No...

Please tell me I am hallucinating...

Fear envelops me entirely as I stare back at his dark eyes that wander across the room to finally land on me. A smirk grows on his lips, as he enters the cell with his confident posture and with slow strides, he advances towards me as I crumble to the very corner of the cell, opposite of him.

"No..." the words slip out of my mouths in a whimper, as I feel beaten down to the ground with a single move. As if he just said Checkmate.

"Missed me ?" He questions, followed by a humourless laugh. Speechless and unable to move any further I watch as he stops in front of me and crouches down to my level to look me in my terrified eyes. "I certainly didn't miss seeing your worthless face. Perhaps, what I did miss, is using you like the little bitch you are."

And with these words said, he harshly grabs my face in his rusty hands to pull it towards his, ignoring my trembling fear, instead sickly enjoying it.

"When I found out that your brothers had my father, I promised myself to find you again and finish what I have started. You really thought you could escape me, huh ?" He questions and his grip tightening on my jaw, as he waits for me to answer.

"ANSWER ME !" He shouts, which makes me jolt backwards, as I shut my eyes closed.

"N-No...Nick." I stutter as the name of my last foster brother slips from my trembling lips.


My foster brother, whom I didn't expect in the slightest, stands up and runs a hand over his suit to tidy it correctly, before he turns towards the door again. But before he leaves he stops and turns around slowly to face me again.

"Trust me Magnolia, I will finish you off. I'll wait till you recover from... those little scratches " he points at my deep cuts and bruises "just so I could have the pleasure to end you pathetic little life with my own bare hands."

With that he shuts the door close, before locking it once again.

For seconds, minutes, hours... I don't know, I stay completely still and unable to move out of fear. Nick is here, he is here with Elijah and the Italians. They are all bond together in a way which I can't seem to understand and it leaves me powerless.

I am trapped.

There is no way out for me.

And finally, tears start to roll down my cheeks, as all hope shatters into a thousand pieces right in the palm of my hand.

Shattered. Everything.

Tears flow without any control and I hear a buzzing sound, as air seems to lack in my lungs. The blood that runs through my veins drums in my ears, as panic rises in my chest. A loud shot is heard and it takes for me a second loud sound for me to understand that my mind is not imagining it.

A gun shot.

And an other.

Shots can be heard from outside of my cell and I wonder if I am not being crazy and imagining all of these sounds. That's until multiple bullets are fired at my door and that it swings open, as someone kicks it.

I hide my head under my arms, as I bring it with my knees towards my chest. Curled up into a ball, I try to shut the loud noises out of the people that just barged into my cell, just as the light suddenly fills up the whole room.

"MAGS !"

My head shoots up at the familiar voice and I would have shot up to my feet, if my limbs were able to, but instead I end up sliding up the wall to find support in a slow pace, as my face scutches up in pain.

But that is the least of my worries, especially when I see his face in a place like this, which makes my stomach turn upside down.

"Will ?" I breath out in a weak and chocked voice, as William Osler, aka the stupid boy in my class stands in front of me in the territory of the Italians with a worried look on his face and a gun in his hands.

A/n : okay but what the hell is Will doing here ?

How did he happen to go from the guy that tries to cheat in class and fail, to a man armed with a gun that broke down the door cell of Magnolia ?

On which side is he ? Italians or Knights ?

What do you think of the come back of Nick ? Who wants to kick his ass as much as I do ?

Let's hope he accidentally trips and stabs himself in the heart. Oups...

Ps : what do you think of the picture at the top of the chapter ?

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