(156) Let Me Ask Them To Prom, Please - Logicality (but LAMP friendship :) )

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Summary: After pining for his friend for most of his childhood Logan finally gets the balls to ask Patton to Prom. He just has to get a moment alone with them though.

This is technically a 'See The Sorcerer' part 2, but basically Logan met Roman, Virgil and Patton in elementary school and fell in love with Patton straight away. In this Logan is gay, Patton is genderfluid and pansexual, Roman is bisexual and Virgil is aro-ace.

Also - my finals are coming up so there might be slow updates or I'd be posting daily to procrastinate we'll never know.

TW - Acephobic teacher mentioned between paragraphs 27 and 29. Only a short mention though and Virgil is supported :)

Words: 3341 (This one is a long one boi XD)

"And Avery's really really pretty!" Logan sat with his niece and listened to her babble about her best friend who she'd had a crush on for ages (apparently - even though she'd only been alive for four years and known this girl for only one of them). The high school senior was being a good uncle though and was listening to her, as well as entertaining his nephew through a sensory baby book. "She's my best friend and I'm definitely going to marry her when I'm grown up!"

"Will I be able to walk you down the aisle then?" The teen joked, ruffling the four year old's hair and turning his head when he spotted the kids' mother, his oldest sister, walking into the living room with a cup of tea.

Logan's sister giggled as she watched her daughter talk about her best friend crush. It was much like the conversations she had with her baby brother ten years ago when he first met his best friend Patton. It was cute to watch in both instances. "If we're talking about weddings Aubrey and I better be maids of honour at you and Patton's wedding." Logan's cheeks went pink at the thought of marrying Patton, as expected, his crush on Patton never really stopped. It just dissipated and then came back harshly like a bad fever whenever said crush did something cute.

"I need to ask them out first - and you know I'll never get the courage to do that." Logan mumbled, bringing his nephew closer for a second so he could chew the fluffy page of the book. He would love to date Patton, but college was coming soon and he didn't want to lose the friendship he had with Patton as well as Roman and Virgil. They were the only friends he had ever had.

But his mom was always there to give him the courage. She sat next to her oldest daughter with her coffee, smiling supportively at her only son. "Isn't Prom coming up? That's the perfect time to ask him out without there being pressure of what to do together and such."

Logan knew he was going to Prom anyway (since Roman had dragged him to get a ticket by telling him it was to the debate decathlon). The four were going as friends - but if he had a private moment with Patton maybe he could ask for it to be something more. "Yeah, sure. I'll see what I can do."


On Monday Logan walked through the school doors, immediately spotting his friendship group by the lockers. They weren't the popular kids like they were in elementary school, but they weren't unpopular either. The four of them were just the floaters that were surprisingly all LGBTQ+. Or not surprisingly, they all had childhood signs.

Logan automatically spotted the blue bracelet on Patton's wrist, indicating he was using he/him pronouns that day. "Good morning." He chirped happily, retrieving a textbook out of his locker as his eyes were trapped onto Patton's pretty blue eyes.

"Hi Logie! How was your weekend?" Patton chirped back, biting his yellow-painted nails and swinging slightly side-to-side. In moments like these Logan really wanted to spit out the Prom question.

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