(28) Love Is Global - Intruality

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Summary: Remus and Patton are adopting their second child - they had already adopted from their own country's foster system but at this point their hearts were called to China, and specifically to a little girl.

I've been working on this for a while - about to start finals though so updates will be a little slower across all my books until 10th-ish of June

Words: 1498

"Dad you're home!" Kase shouted from the dinner table, his food in front of him was still abandoned in favour of cuddling his Dad. Patton had just finished his midwifery shift, he made sure he was home in time for dinner. His husband Remus was serving some chow mien to prepare for their holiday starting tomorrow night. They were going to reunite with their daughter. "Are we going to China yet?" 

"Only a few hours kiddo." Patton whispered, shaking Kase's hair and giving him a kiss on the cheek. Kase giggled and ran back to Remus, who gave Patton a soft kiss when they came close. They had waited a year for this moment, and it was finally about to happen.


It all began when Remus entered his bedroom late at night, yawning. He had just finished work, he was a streamer on Twitch so often spent the late evenings after Kase's bedtime playing video games or chilling with his audience. He loved his job, it had entertained him since sophomore year of high school and he kept it up throughout his college days and while living with Patton during his medical school days. Kase loved his Dad's streaming room too. In the mornings Kase was allowed to play in there and see all the fanart on the walls (Remus' fans had endearing names for Remus' family - Patton was 'Mr Cupcake' and Kase was 'Spawn Point') and the shining green LED lights.

Patton was laid in bed in a ball, that was normal. He often stayed awake for Remus to continue streaming if he didn't wander into the stream room himself. Nights were a time that the couple got to chat and kiss each other and get carried away in each other's love - they were addicted to each other.

"Hey cupcake." Remus whispered as he crawled into bed, kissing Patton gently as he smiled. Patton looked up from the phone he was staring at as he kissed back, then sighed and cuddled into his lover. "What's kept you up babe?" Remus stroked circles into Patton's cheek and glanced at Patton's phone screen. He was scrolling through something... adoption sites. "Is it baby fever or you mistyped looking for rescue dogs?"

"Baby fever." Patton sighed, his content sigh at Remus' strokes. "Kase was just being so cute at bedtime and telling me about his new girlfriend... even though it's straight I still couldn't stop smiling!" Patton was getting louder and louder in his excitement, making Remus smile like he'd never had before. Well, he always smiled like an idiot when facing the love of his life. "I mean look, they're adorable." Patton continued to show Remus his phone, full of pictures and pictures of children of all different races, genders and ages. At the top of the page was 'internationaladoption.org'. 

"They are... Do you actually want to go forward with this?" Remus turned on his back again, yawning and stretching slightly. The couple had talked about adopting again before, and adopting internationally too. They always just said they should wait for a few years first. But this time Remus didn't see a reason to wait, he was going to move his gaming computer and set-up into a smaller room that had just been built - it was further away from Kase's bedroom so Remus could be louder while gaming - so the streaming room would be free for a new little family member. And Patton was always happy to adopt both pets and children, he had a big heart.

After Patton nodded the couple cuddled for the rest of the night, sharing their excitement and imagining future situations between their favourite little boy and the new brother or sister. It took a few hours for them to sleep because of the adrenaline running through their bodies. 


Remus entered his house with a smile on his face, placing his suitcase down on the floor and watching Kase turn his head and run up to his father. "You're back Dad!" Kase shouted, climbing into his father's arms. It was early fall and Remus had just returned from a weekend trip to a convention in San Diego. Sometimes Patton joined him to make it a date weekend and Kase would have sleepovers round friends' houses but as Patton had a lot of work and the family were preparing for paternity leave, Remus went alone. They were all still waiting for news from China, the country they decided to adopt from, on which child they were considered to care for. Everything else was signed, it was just the wait.

The house was unusually quiet. Usually when Patton was home, which at this point he was, there was always music or a movie playing or Patton would be (badly) singing a Queen song. But this time it was silence. Kase ran off to play somewhere, probably out in the garden where he was making his tenth flower crown of the month. Kase was an independent child. "Hey babe! I'm home!" Remus shouted, walking up the stairs. He eventually could hear a soft humming and followed it to his old streaming room (now new kiddo's bedroom) and followed it.

Patton was painting the previously black room white, and was almost complete. Furniture was lying about, some the couple bought together while others were new pieces of furniture Remus hadn't seen before. Remus couldn't help but smile looking at all the toys, bedding and drawers piled at one side - before seeing a new decoration that was too specific. A wooden structure with three white letters in cursive, spelling 'Jia'. "Jia?" Remus echoed with a small smile. Patton smiled back and giggled.

"The file's on your bedside table." Patton mumbled and Remus ran to his bedroom quicker than he'd done before. And there was a folder from their international adoption agency, one piece of paper inside with all different details. Jia, her 'English' name Joy, she was 4 years old and was born with a brain injury. Brain surgery would be needed once she finds her home but Patton and Remus were perfectly happy to do that. The picture showed a sweet little girl with a wide innocent smile which made Remus giggle to himself. Patton's giggle responded back quickly and Remus' lover leaned up against him, his head on his shoulder. "Isn't she adorable?"

"She's perfect darling." Remus whispered back, kissing Patton's forehead and sighing to himself. "She's ours."


After a full previous day of being tourists in China's capital, Beijing, Remus' family took the journey to the outskirts of the city to the orphanage that was little Jia's first home. Kase was looking out the window of the bus, looking at all the buildings and trying to guess what they were since none of it was in a language they could understand. 

Patton was grasping onto his husband's hand with a soft smile. This was a nervous experience for both of them, they were scared about adopting Kase when they did, this was extra nerve-wracking as they had gone such a long way for their perfect little girl. She was already going to be perfect, they just hoped that no-one would get in the husbands' way. The couple eventually got to the orphanage and were greeted by two women. 

"You're here for Jia?" One of the woman cheered, making both men nod. 

The inside of the building was very cute and colourful. The walls were white with rainbow circles across the corridors and a few animals like giraffes or pandas around eye level of the kids. Kase was distracted by all these paintings and had to be called every so often to keep up with his parents and the two women showing them around the orphanage. Remus got his camera ready just to film the meeting.

They were all taken to the infant room, where several other women were changing nappies or playing with babies. Jia was in the infant room a lot because of her disabilities. "There!" Kase shouted, running up to a 4 year old in a Dora the Explorer t-shirt, sitting opposite her cross-legged with a smile. "I'm Kase, I'm your brother! They have roast cockroaches in the local market, you want to try them?"

The couple could help but giggle at first. Kase continued chatting and giggling, trying to ask her questions and maybe expecting her to respond (they weren't sure if the elementary schooler expected Jia to randomly speak English or maybe didn't understand she was mute). Jia seemed to not mind the attention though and instead reached out to tug at Kase's curly hair. She probably hadn't seen curly hair that often, and Kase didn't mind her curiosity. "Dad! I think she likes me!"

"I think she does kiddo." Patton laughed, sitting with Kase and Remus followed. They all played together, and it only took a few more weeks for the couple to take their daughter home and let her new life begin.

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