(52) Elementary Matchmakers - ThomasxNico (and others)

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Summary: Thomas and Nico are quite popular in first grade - everyone thinks it's adorable when they play together. While their friends try to make them kiss they hold a secret that would only be revealed at the end of the week.

Other ships include: Prinxiety, Moceit, Intrulogical and Remile.

I had fun with the nationalities too (quite a few are Welsh because I just returned from a holiday in Wales) but others include Pacific Islander and Turkish :)

(And yes the picture with Jacksepticeye is on purpose XD)

Words: 1985

On Monday Thomas Sanders and Nico Flores were sat on the bench next to each other - Nico teaching his friends random words in his first language of Spanish. As Nico couldn't speak English that well he was shy around a lot of his class, but Thomas just took to him and was willing to ask his older brothers about what words he should know to make each other understandable.

This meant that the pair of five year olds were going to get married and grow to the old age of fifty together of course, at least according to their classmates. Two of these classmates were Roman Brenin and Virgil Puyal - Roman was the most enthusiastic about their friend's weddings and Virgil was just along for the ride because he always was. "I'm going to make them kiss!" Roman shouted, so loud that it was surprising Nico and Thomas didn't hear.

"Maybe they don't want to kiss?" Virgil whispered as he held his spider teddy close, a hoodie covering his brown features. Roman ignored his friend though, instead running over to the pair of lovebirds and jumping on Thomas' back.

"Do you want to kiss?" Roman chirped before the other kids could even say hello to him. They both just stared confused, but eventually they moved their heads - Thomas shook his head and Nico nodded. Roman's eyes glowed seeing Nico's nod - gasping loudly and pushing the two kids towards each other. They tried to mumble complaints instead of kissing and were only allowed to escape when Virgil quietly stood between them and stared Roman down.

Another thing with Roman and Virgil's friendship was that Virgil, although silent, had a magic touch over his friend. With just one disappointing look Roman stopped what he was doing and immediately began apologising - facing Virgil. "Sorry... You don't have to kiss if you want to! We'll leave now!"

And with that Roman and Virgil ran away, not speaking to the other pair for the rest of the day. Instead they played and Virgil tolerated Roman's hugs while they watched the other two children play.


On Tuesday Thomas and Nico were picking flowers together in the playground - Nico teaching Thomas the colours in Spanish. Opposite them, but far enough that the pairs couldn't hear each other, were best friends and neighbours Patton Hayvan and Janus Twyll. They were also picking flowers together making each other flower crowns (Janus reluctantly wore the flower crowns - Patton was happy to). 

Patton's tanned hands waved in front of Janus' face, he then pointed at the pair of cuties. "We need to get them to fall in love!" He giggled, sewing the flower stems together. "We should collect flowers that Thomas could give to Nico!"

Janus had another idea, but helped Patton collect flowers from all around the playing field. The flowers were all different colours of the rainbow which Patton adored - he was shouting random colours and getting louder the more flowers he picked. When they got ample enough flowers they walked towards the pair, but not before Janus whispered: "distract Nico."

With one mission in mind Patton Naruto-ran over to Nico, pretty much trying to drag him away. "Come on, mi amigo! Let's go find squirrels in the trees!"

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