(125) The First 'I Love You' - Loceit (and background Remile)

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Summary: Logan likes to hide his attachments and how deep they really go. When his niece has to be taken care of during his and his boyfriend's date night he reluctantly agrees and his real attachments show to Janus from there.

Logan is maybe slightly spoilt and stuck-up in this chapter XD

TW - Implied sexual feelings, but it doesn't go that big into detail though

Words: 1969 (hehe)

It was just a normal date night for the two college students. Janus and Logan were curled in front of the TV in the apartment Logan rented, and they were complaining about the classes that had just started that semester. "It's the only language credit I need to do but it still sucks ass. Can't I just show I can use Google Translate and be done with it?"

"Languages are a lot more than just what Google Translate gives mon coeur..." Logan mumbled in response, spilling in the French he knew that he liked to brag about as he was half French. Janus couldn't stay angry at him for long though as Logan was probably the best boyfriend out there, it was almost hypnotic how one stroke of fingers through Janus' hair could calm him immediately. "For example, you know how I sometimes call you mon chou or chouchou?"

Janus brought Logan close for a kiss as soon as he whispered the adorable pet name, but nodded and let him continue to speak. "Well, in English 'chou' isn't as cute and fetching. It actually just means cabbage, but it's also the name of a common profiterole. It all depends on the context."

"I wouldn't be surprised if you were calling me a cabbage our entire relationship though." Janus' smile was impossible not to kiss. Even though the couple had been dating for five months every kiss felt as good as the last, and each was given with the same passion the last had with possibly a little lust depending on the time and place.

The couple were disturbed by their make-out session with a knock on the door, making Logan mumble as he really didn't want to let go of his boyfriend. "Probably delivery..." He mumbled as he stood, trailing his hands on Janus' waist as long as possible before turning to the door.

It wasn't a quick delivery at the door however - rather it was two voices Janus recognised from phone calls he heard. Logan was the stereotypical middle child who was brushed under the rug a lot by his older and younger brother, the three brothers were all close but they didn't get to reunite that often as Logan was in college, the younger one was in high school and the older one was engaged and had started a family.

"You don't mind just taking care of her for an evening? I've been planning Remy's birthday treat all year." The cheery voice of Emile (Janus presumed as that was the older one) spoke. "It will just be for the night Lo, please?"

"I have an exam tomorrow morning, wasn't Patton meant to do it?" Logan was trying to block his boyfriend from seeing the family dispute, and he succeeded from Janus seeing anyone apart from a tall man dressed in black with some shades even though it was 8pm.

"I know for a fact you wouldn't have your boyfriend here if you had an exam tomorrow." The man mumbled, pointing at Janus and giving Logan a stern look that the college student couldn't argue against. "Anyway - Patton probably got a hangover after his sweet sixteen since he's apparently passed out and that kid never runs out of energy. You're the only one who can take our little one."

The silence was only short lived and died with a sigh from the tired student. "Fine. Jan we have someone joining us!"

When the door closed Logan turned back to the living room holding a toddler in a pink Rapunzel nightgown with grey bunny slippers. She looked around with some level of familiarity indicating she at least knew she wasn't in a stranger's home. "Janus, meet Astrid. Astrid, meet Janus." The little girl smiled and waved at the new man in the house and Janus waved back, unsure exactly what to do. Logan seemed to have no clue either as he let her down to the floor and got to her level. "Do you have Dad's iPad, Atti?" Astrid shook her head.

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