(4) Parent-Teacher Conference - Loceit

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Summary - Logan and Janus pick their child up from elementary to find her upset over something - a surprise parent-teacher conference results and Logan turns into a bit of a Karen.

TW - Homophobia. Let's just say it was difficult to not write 'United States of America' and 'Trump' when writing the bad character.

Words: 1076

Logan and Janus often picked their kids up from school together. They were the average family, Logan was a librarian and Janus was a lawyer, and they had five kids of their own. Two were an adopted sibling group, one was adopted internationally and two were donor eggs from a family member. Their kids were a little older now and were all in elementary school together, minus the youngest who was still in Kindergarten. They never viewed their Dads as different from any other parents - and neither did the Dads view themselves as different. They were a family.

Janus was working on getting their youngest, Alex, out of the car while Logan waited for the rest of their family by the school gate. Summer, Byron, Kristoff and Maia all ran up to Logan as soon as they saw him - but not exactly happily. Logan could spot the tears streaming down Maia's face straight away and leant down to her just as Janus approached. "What's the matter my berry-boo?" Logan whispered, tugging a piece of Maia's curly hair out of her face. Maia choked on tears a little more before speaking.

"Mr Moho said that two Daddies can't have babies... He said it's not right!" Maia was in first grade, and Mr Moho was her teacher. All Logan knew about him was he was around 60 years old and fit the stereotype of who Janus would call a 'boomer'. He could hear Janus sigh hearing his daughter and mumble under his breath.

"I'm ready to kill a bitch... Honey? Shall we head to the first grade classroom?" Janus placed Alex on the ground to let Byron hug him, giving Maia a kiss on the cheek and a hair ruffle. "Get to the car lil vermin. We'll be back."

The kids obeyed and all went back to the car, the older ones holding the younger ones and their Dads watching them be all cute and such before going into the elementary school. Luckily the first grade classroom was at the front of the school so they didn't have to walk far - but they still held hands all the way. Logan politely knocked on the classroom door, Mr Moho looked up and sighed purely at the sight of them. Janus was the first to speak.

"Um... What were you learning in first grade today and when was your political ideology involved?" Janus was always very blunt with these things, especially around homophobes, whereas Logan usually kept his tone in check and remained polite in all situations. Mr Moho tutted, turning the worksheet he was looking at around and glaring angrily.

"Look, your child needs to know where she came from. It's only liberals like you that stop me from my right to educate children." Janus obviously rolled his eyes and scowled.

"Maia knows about how she came to be in simple terms but we will not have the sex talk with her when she's in first grade!" Janus almost screamed back, clutching into Logan's hand tighter. He had to deal with a lot of bad people throughout his life, Logan was his rock, when Logan was there Janus felt calmer and more in control of what's around him rather than the homophobe forcing him into a life he didn't want.

"Look, she just should know she's different before she gets bullied." The teacher said calmly, sorting through his papers rather than paying attention to the couple.

"The only bully here is you." Janus mumbled, his arm around Logan's shoulders. Logan was unsure whether he should intervene but he seemed to handle it well. He didn't want to get his husband or himself upset. "Kids don't care about that kind of stuff until adults tell them to. She won't get bullied for it in first grade."

"Well, what are you going to do about it? I have a right to say what I want in this country."

Mr Moho looked as though he had won the battle, and Janus silenced. However, this was the last straw for Logan. He had as much of a right to live as he wanted to and with who he wanted to as anyone else in his country, and it should be the world. "Excuse me!" Logan slammed his hand on the table in front of Mr Moho. The teacher hardly flinched. "I can get you fired just like that! We can take all our kids out of this school and say it's because of you! Where's your boss... The principal?" Logan looked behind him to the school corridor, where Janus had attracted the attention of the principal of the elementary school - Mr Sanders. Mr Sanders was a gay man himself from both Janus and Logan's college days, they were quite good friends and Mr Sanders was like a third father for all five of their kids.

"What seems to be the problem?" Mr Sanders asked, looking already done with Mr Moho's shit and glaring at him angrily. Mr Moho didn't care about looking up at the three of them, or maybe he was scared.

"This man is bullying my little girl! He's being absolutely ridiculous and impending my own free speech." He could see Janus suppress a giggle at his husband's behaviour, but knew not to stop it. When Logan wanted something he would not shut up until that thing was done - and for this that was a good trait. Mr Sanders nodded to himself and spoke up.

"Alright, I'll sort it you two. Get back home and comfort your kids tonight." Of course Janus had to drag Logan out, but as soon as he was away from that situation he calmed, and his next task was comforting all his kids. That didn't mean the pair were silent about it. They complained under their breath and in whispers about it at every single chance where the kids couldn't hear them - although that wasn't very many opportunities with 5 of their little berries/vermin.

But the next day Janus dropped Maia off and walked her to class, only to find they were being taught by Mr Sanders for the rest of the term. Maia was happy at that. And the next semester there was a completely new first grade teacher, one that profusely apologised for the last teacher's behaviour and had a very-not-subtle rainbow pin. Janus was always happy for his children to have such a great new role model.

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