(119) Baby Glasses - Demus

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Summary: Remus and Janus welcome a baby in their home that seems nervous and scared, they are determined to get the boy out of his shell (and past the teething phase).

Words: 1175

When Janus became a foster carer he didn't think he'd be placed with a child at all. Especially since he only really had room for infants. It wasn't until his boyfriend had only just moved in with him that he got his first call: an eight month boy called Logan with sleeping difficulties whose 'mom forgot he existed'.

He was quieter than Janus could imagine when he was placed in his arms, slobbering everywhere and mumbling, looking curiously everywhere in the small living room. When the social worker left he didn't even seem to notice a difference. He was just staring over Janus' shoulder with watery eyes that he kept on touching. "Hey, hey, it's OK... Are you upset?" Logan wasn't wailing and seemed focused on nothing in particular. Janus placed him on the sofa and tried playing with his feet but he stayed neutral looking.

"HE'S HERE!" That scream was Remus, Janus' boyfriend of a year and a half and avid toy-maker, bursting through the doors with as many toys he could steal from his workplace. "Fuck he's cute." Remus spoke quieter, looking at Logan upside down. The baby was cute definitely. He was dressed plainly in blue overalls and a white unicorn t-shirt. He sucked his thumb and wiped his eyes, only focusing on Remus and his dozens of toys for a minute before rubbing his eyes again. "Huh... Did the social worker mention anything about his eyes babe?"

Janus shrugged his shoulders and tried to get Logan to play again, but his eyes were certainly bothering him. It certainly wasn't right though so he called the social worker who said there were no family issues - and then he called an eye doctor to get an appointment.


"FUCK HE'S CUTER!" Remus screamed when Janus and Logan returned from the baby's doctor's appointment with a pair of blue glasses tied to his head that looked more like swimming goggles. He seemed a lot more perky and happy this time around, immediately mumbling and reaching out once he saw Remus running over with a homemade toy unicorn. "Aww... Hi sweetie! You actually care about me now!"

"He always cared about you baby, he can just see you now - and surprisingly he's not scared by your make-up." Janus carefully let Remus hold Logan with one hand, making sure he was nowhere near dropping him as that would look bad on the social worker report. Logan had already been a lot more cuddly and cheery in the week he'd been under the care of Janus and Remus - maybe because the pair spoilt him. Every single time Remus appeared from some door anywhere in or out the house he had a new toy that was 'in development' and needed market research.

"Hey, hey, I've got him babe." Remus mumbled, kissing Janus' lips quickly making Logan jolt side to side (he had his little fists on Remus' t-shirt luckily). "Janus is just too gentle for you right little dork? You're a big boy!" Logan giggled as he was jogged up and down. Remus was surprisingly really cute with young kids. He was a toy maker - but Janus always thought he'd stay in the background of Janus' foster care journey.

Remus and Janus met after a night out in a gay club. As a stereotypical gay relationship went they hit all the steps relatively quickly. By the time they reached the year anniversary they joked they were practically married. Janus always wanted to be a foster carer so when they moved in together Remus encouraged him to fill in all the references and go to the interviews. And now they had this - Remus was looking adorable with a baby.

"Were you called his father today then?" Remus mumbled as he sat on the sofa with Logan, waving a rattle in front of him and marvelling at the fact that the young boy was actually focusing on it now. There were several times both Janus and Remus were called fathers of this little cutie - they knew they weren't but every time they heard the word they started to want the word. Fuck it, Janus wanted a billion babies with Remus if he kept looking cute.


It was a peaceful day, Janus didn't have work so he was reading a nice book with the soft music of Remus' toy-making machinery in the background. Logan was on the floor with toys. And lots of teething toys - he had started not only to shout more and crawl about with his new vision but his teeth were growing in and were painful.

Just as Janus was reaching the climax of the action part of his book he heard a shout from Remus' office. "AWW HE HAS THE MACE!"

"SHIT REMUS!" The book was yeeted across the room and Janus leapt up, running across the house and slamming open the door. There were no guts or blood on the floor luckily just Logan, sat quietly with the spike of a mace around his lips. Remus collected ancient maces as a hobby, and they were safely stored away apart from now apparently. "Thank fuck... Is he OK?"

Remus was watching the baby softly, at a distance but Janus knew he'd run to Logan straight away if he was actually hurt. The maces weren't sharp anyway. "He's alright..." Remus whispered, eventually sitting down with the curious baby and squishing his cheek. The usually chaotic and loud toymaker was unusually quiet this time, watching Logan roll the mace and crawl around. Janus felt impelled to stand still and watch them. "You know the social worker said Logan's mom won't be getting him back..." The man whispered, his eyes on Logan but switching to Janus for only a second. "Do you think he'll be leaving us?"

"I think he would. He needs an adoptive family."

"He'll get one in no time." Remus chuckled back, although sadly, dragging Logan onto his lap when his hand pried too closely to the least soft spike. Logan screamed and grabbed Remus' ears in absolute happiness - and it was only then Remus smiled.

It all clicked. Remus and Janus kissed and had their 'first time' when they first met, they called each other boyfriends a couple of days after, they had their first date in a week and moved in with each other by six months. They found each other so quickly and felt complete with each other, but Janus always felt like he needed another person with them. They found their person.

Remus looked up at his boyfriend with wide eyes after cooing at Logan, holding his little hands gently via his thumb and pointer finger. The green eyes were glowing with almost-tears. Remus had found his second soulmate too. "Can we adopt him?"

Janus sat next to Remus, kissed his cheek, and blew a raspberry in the most chubby part of Logan's cheek. It might be a while but already the two men were excited for Logan to call them Dad. "Of course we can."

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