36. Names

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//sorry for not updating- ;-;\\

Sasuke POV
I was sipping my coffee while the kids slept when I heard a grumpy blonde come down the stairs from his nap.

I glanced up at Naruto who's hair was all messy and he had an irritated expression.

"Had a good sleep?" I asked

"No. Because I was woken up from my sleep!" He pouted

"Oh? What happened then?" I stood up and walked towards my dobe.

"Being pregnant is hard" he whined

"But you've been pregnant three times. I would assume you've gotten used to it" I said kissing his forehead

He shook his head "No. not when I'm sleeping and the baby immediately starts kicking"

I chuckled "So that's what woke you up, huh?"

"Hey, I've been running on 5 hours of sleep. Why do you think I can barely catch any sleep?"

I shrugged and pulled him close by grabbing his hips "You think it was maybe a bad idea to have so many kids?"

"Why are you saying that? You're the one who fucked me and help create those kids" Naruto muttered

"Well do you regret having all of those kids?" I asked

He shot a look at me "Are you kidding? Of course not! I'm grateful for having kids. Even if it means I have to go through the pain of giving birth to them"

I nodded "I know, dobe. I just wanted to hear your words"

"What else do you want to hear?" He asked smugly with a smirk

I grinned at him "Hearing you scream my name"

He huffed "Well, you won't be able to hear that in awhile"

I had a look of disappointment "So you're just going to tease me, huh?"

He nodded with a smile "It's funny to see you suffer without having sex with me"

I sighed "Damn you, Naruto"

He laughed lightly and wrapped his arms around me "Anyways. We still have to figure out a name for the baby"

"We don't even know the gender yet though" I replied

"We can still think ahead. Boy and girl names." Naruto said

"Have you figured out any yet then?" I asked placing a hand on his belly

Naruto shook his head "No. it's honestly hard."

I smiled at him "Well I just thought of one."

Naruto glanced at me "What is it?"

"Akira. For a girl name."

"And what about a boy?"

"I haven't figured that out yet" I said

"Hm. You know, I've been thinking about it for awhile now." Naruto said

"Thinking about what?"

"How about... Minato for a boy name." Naruto said with smile "Or we could just go with Yugi"

"Any name is fine with me, darling" I said kissing his cheek

Naruto glared at me "Don't call me darling"

I just smirked "Whatever you say, darling"

Naruto was growling and pulled himself away from me. "Well then, no dinner for darling then" he said crossing his arms

"Oh, come on." I huffed

"You can make food for yourself" Naruto said walking to the kitchen

I followed him "But I love your cooking. You can't torture me like this"

"Too bad." Naruto said grabbing a tomato from the fridge

I froze "Wait- I thought you didn't like tomatoes?"

"Well, I'm craving tomatoes because of my pregnancy cravings. So deal with it" he said taking a bite out of it

"Fine. But if you eat all my tomatoes, you're buying more"

He shot a stare at me "Oh, really?"

"Yes" I said crossing my arms with a stern look

Naruto gave me a cold and intimidating glare

I kept my expression as it is even though inside I'm actually fearing my wife.

Naruto then looked away and continued to eat his tomato while putting his other hand on his stomach.

I quietly sighed of relief Naruto didn't kill me right then and there.

I was about to walk over to Naruto when a small child beat me to him.

"Mama!" Himawari said hugging Naruto's waist.

Naruto glanced down at her with a smile "Did you wake up from your nap?"

She nodded with a big smile

Naruto put his tomato down and picked up Himawari and placed her on his hip.

I was itching to confront Naruto that he shouldn't be picking up eight year olds as he was very pregnant when I heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it" I said and walked over to the door.

Naruto gently bounced Himawari on his hip like she was a baby as she giggled.

I opened the door just to be greeted by my brother:
"Hello, Sasuke" Itachi said with a smile.

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