24. Wait, what?!

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Naruto POV

"WHAT?!" Menma cried.

I laughed sheepishly "Y-Yeah..."



"But how???" Menma asked.

"Magic" I replied.

Menma looked around and looked at me up and down. "Where?"

"Where what?"

"Where my sibling?" he asked.

"It's in my tummy..." I said.

Menma glanced at my stomach "Ohh. Is that why it got bigger?"

I nodded.

I then turned around and glared at Sasuke, since it's his fault.

He looked at me apologetically .

I huffed and looked back at Menma "Well, are you excited?"

Menma nodded "MHM!"

I smiled and petted Menma. "Well, Tomorrow, Mommy is going to become the 7th Hokage"

Menma looked at me with a big smile on his face.

I was supposed to become Hokage when Menma was 10 months old, since that's when he started walking, but I told Tsunade and Kakashi I want to spend some time with Menma for a little.

"Ok, so, I want you to go to bed early so you can wake up fresh in the morning, ok?"

He nodded "Oki! Goodnight mama!" he then ran off to his room upstairs.

I looked back at Sasuke "I didn't think you'd actually want another one" I said grimmly.

He shrugged "Well, we're going to get another one" he said placing a hand on my stomach.

"Yeah, Yeah..."

>Next Day<

The ceremony was certainly something, I guess.

But, nonetheless, Menma was super happy, so was I.

Kakashi said I can began whenever I want.

I still had to decide...

It was already midnight and I was half-asleep, since I was studying for something.

Sasuke walked in and placed a blanket on me "Get some sleep, dobe"

I yawned "In a little... I still need to finish this..."

Sasuke nodded "Ok, but get some sleep. I'll check on you later"

I nodded.

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