15. Mood Swings & Cravings

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Sasuke POV

Naruto has been having many mood swings and weird cravings. Including ramen, gummy bears, chocolate syrup, and pocky.

Yes. All combined.

I don't know how he's able to eat all that.

This morning, he yelled at me for no reason, then cried, then laughed.

Four more months of this...

A week ago, Tsunade told us the baby was going to be a boy. Naruto was excited. Now we just need to think of a name.

Right at the moment as I was thinking, Naruto grabbed me. I turned to him. "What?"

"I'm hungry!" He pouted.

"Then go make your weird ass food" I said.

He shook his head "You make it!"

"Why me? Stop being lazy" I said making a face.

"I'm not being lazy..." he said "I'm in pain"

I sighed "fine..." I then stood up from the couch and headed over to the kitchen to prepare Naruto's "food".

After I was done, Naruto peeked from the couch, watching me as I gave him his food.

He then began to eat.

As he was eating, I went back to thinking of a name for the baby. But then, another interruption by Naruto... he started crying.

"What is it now?" I asked grimly.

"My tummy hurts!" He whined.

"Obviously. There's a child growing in you!"

He kept crying "It hurts!"

"What the heck do you want me to do about it?"

"I don't know!" He cried.

I then started to get frustrated, and then rubbed his stomach to where I think it hurts.

He then became quiet.

I then sighed "Anything else you want to complain about?"

He shook his head, and then smiled.

I stared at him with a confused look on my face.

He then hugged me for some reason. I just sat there with a blank face.

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