32. A Day In The Life Of The Uchimaki's

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(yes, I titled it after a Boruto episode. And the picture is just;<3<3<3<3)

Menma POV

I was sitting on the couch, playing on my phone.

Boruto sneaked his way and jumped onto my stomach


"You're not supposed to say bad words" Boruto said with a smirk.

"Shut up. Now get off me before I throw you out of the window"

Boruto crossed his arms "No"

Dad then came and picked up Boruto "Stop jumping onto your brother"

Boruto made a face "HMPH"

Dad sighed and put Boruto down who ran to the kitchen. I sighed and continued to play on my phone.

Boruto ran to mom and hugged him. "Mom. Menma called me the S word"

I glared at him. He grinned.

"Maybe if you stopped messing around with him, he won't call you that" Mom said.

I then smirked and Boruto made a face. Boruto stuck his tongue out at me and laid his head on mom's stomach.

I rolled my eyes.

"I can hear the baby's heartbeat!" he exclaimed.

Mom nodded with a smile.

Soon, Sarada woke up from her nap, with tears in her eyes. Mom walked towards her "What's wrong?" he asked.

Sarada rubbed her eyes "I-I had a nightmare that you, daddy, Boruto, Menma, Himawari and the baby all died..." she said with a sniffle.

Mom hugged her "It's ok. It was just a nightmare..."

Sarada sniffled and hugged mom back.

Though mom is a male, he is more fit as a mother.

"Do you have to leave today?" Dad asked.

Mom shook his head "Not today. Shikamaru said I could have the day off"

Dad nodded.

Mom sat on the couch next to me while Sarada and Boruto fought over who gets what toy. And Himawari was still sleeping.

A few moments later, I glanced at mom, who was on his phone.

I then slipped under his arms and laid on his lap.

He looked at me "What are you doing, Menma?"

"Nothing. You're more comfortable than a pillow is all" I simply said.

He sighed and rolled his eyes "Whatever you say"

I then glanced at moms big stomach that was inches from my face. "Has it really been only a few months?"

"Yeah, why?" Mom asked.

"It looks like you're already eight months" I said, gently poking his stomach.

"I know. The baby grows fast"

I nodded and continued to gently poke his stomach.

"Menma stop doing that or you'll make the baby mad" Sarada teased.

I looked at her "It won't even know" I continued to poke moms stomach until, it kicked my finger.

"Ow! That child is strong" I said.

Boruto and Sarada giggled while mom sighed "They warned you, didn't they?"

"Nah. Boruto and Sarada didn't even say a word" I replied.

Mom looked at me "You sure?"

"Yeahh..." I said.

Mom then squeezed my cheek "Ow. Ow. Let go!" I cried.

"Haha. Now you have to get punished" Boruto said teasingly.

Mom then let go of me and I rubbed my cheek.

"Shut up, Boruto" I said.

Boruto rolled his eyes.

"You three have to stop fighting." Mom said.

"It's not my fault Boruto and Sarada fight and Boruto fights with me and then Sarada also fights with me" I said.

"That was a lot of words" Boruto said.

"Because it's true" I said with a shrug.

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