25. The Uchimaki's

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Menma POV

I was sleeping peacefully, until my idiot brother jumped onto me.

"GAH! GET OFF ME!" I said.

Boruto giggled "No. You stay like that!"

Sarada walked in "Oi... Get off him. You're going to suffocate him"

Boruto 'hmphed' and got off me.

Indeed my mom had Boruto and Sarada a few years ago. They are actually twins, not identical, but are twins.

We're only three years apart though.

I'm currently thirteen while the two of them are ten. Oh, and, my parents also had ANOTHER kid; Himawari.

I have a big family and I don't know if it's going to get bigger since Himawari is eight.

"We have to go downstairs now that we woke up Nii-chan" Sarada said "Dad made breakfast"

Me and Boruto nodded as we headed downstairs, Himawari following a little later.

I walked into the kitchen and greeted my dad, Sasuke.

"Good morning, Menma" he said.

"Morning" I replied, yawning.

I then sat down at the table along with Boruto, Sarada, and Himawari.

"Where's mama at?" Himawari asked.

"Hima, it's the same as everyday; he's at work" Boruto said grimly.

"But why early?" Himawari asked.

"I dunno. It's his stupid hokage job" Boruto said.

"Hey, stop talking about mom's job like that" I said.

Boruto rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out.

I stuck my tongue out back at him.

Dad then walked in "Enough you two." he then gave all of us breakfast.

As Boruto munched miserably, he said "Mom's cooking is better..."

"Well, I'm not like your mother, so eat" Dad replied.

Sarada rolled her eyes "You're never grateful about ANYTHING"

"Sut Upw Fourw Ewes" Boruto said through mouthfuls.


Boruto gulped down his food in his mouth "I SAID shut up four eyes"

Sarada growled and pulled Boruto's hair.

"OW! OW! OW! LET GO!" Boruto cried.


Boruto flicked Sarada's forehead.

"Ow! STOP IT!" Sarada said angrily.

"Try me, four eyes" Boruto said, sticking his tongue out.

Sarada growled and lunged at Boruto before Dad grabbed Sarada "ENOUGH. It's too early in the morning"

"It wouldn't be like this if mom was here..." Boruto muttered.

"Oh, HUSH, Boruto" I said "You don't know when to stop talking"

"Same thing goes to you!" Boruto said.

I rolled my eyes. "And stop complaining about everything because of 'mom'. He didn't do anything wrong"

Boruto crossed his arms and huffed.

Himawari watched the entire thing. "So... Is this all mommy's fault...?"

"No, of course not." Dad said, putting Sarada down.

"Oh, oki" Himawari said happily, continuing of eating her food.

Boruto hasn't even touched his food because of his and Sarada's little fight.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Dad asked.

Boruto 'hmphed' and said "No. I'm not even hungry-" His stomach growled, proving that he is hungry.

Dad stared at him "You sure?"

Boruto growled and shoved food in his mouth "I just want mom here..."

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