5. Short Time Skip

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//Since there was some problems with the next chapter because I went too fast 😅 I'll make things a little more longer then //

Sasuke POV

I would never expect Naruto to forgive me that easily, to be honest...

I shrugged it off and went home.

Once I opened the door, I got changed into my nightwear.

I then slipped under the covers in my bed, and stared at the dark ceiling.

Great. Now I can't fall asleep...

I closed my eyes, but thoughts of me hurting Naruto and him crying kept popping into my head, making me unable to fall asleep with the pain of what happened...

I sighed and turned onto my side. Maybe it'll go away once I fall asleep... If I fall asleep...

I then closed my eyes, after a while, I was able to fall asleep.

~Small Time Skip to a little before Sasuke left the village (In the show)~

Naruto POV

Sasuke wasn't here... And when I say here, I mean at the ramen shop.

He usually stops by and eats ramen with me. But, for some reason, he keeps missing nights.

I got worried, it was already a little past 10.

I then decided to look for him.

I haven't really eaten today, so I was hungry. But Sasuke is more important then my hunger right now.

I searched through the village, every alleyway, every street (or whatever they call it), but I couldn't find him.

After an hour, I almost had given up, until I heard two people talking.

I then ran towards the voices since I recognize the voices.

It was Sakura and Sasuke talking to each other... But Sakura was crying, and hugging Sasuke tightly.

I stopped and decided to hear what they were saying, though I felt a small pain in my heart.

I hid behind a bush only a few feet away from them.

"S-Sasuke-kun... You can't possibly be thinking of leaving the village, are you?" Sakura said with tears running down her cheeks.

Sasuke kept quiet, hesitating, but said "I've made my choice, Sakura. There's nothing you can do to stop me."

He then shook her off and turned the other way.

"Please... You can't leave!" Sakura sobbed, dropping onto her knees.

Sasuke ignored her "You can stop now, Sakura..."

"B-But why?" she said through tears.

"...Because you're annoying." Sasuke said a little irrated.

Sakura's eyes widened, but she bit her bottom lip "I don't care! You're only leaving because of me, isn't it?! It's because I'm useless, and ugly, and as you said, annoying!"

Sasuke 'tched' "It's not because of you, so stop it."

Sakura continued to cry, begging Sasuke to stay.

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