Canche and his men turn around to find themselves surrounded by another group of men sporting SOA cuts. They're also armed with handguns and rifles. Leading the group, with his aim on Canche's head, is Izzy's Uncle Happy.

For a moment, all is quiet, as Canche narrows his eyes, "This doesn't concern you, or your club. This is between the mayans."

"That girl right there is my concern." Happy spits out, his eyes hard and murderous, "You made this the Sons problem when you motherfuckers put your hands on my fucking niece!"

Before anyone can blink, three shots are fired by Happy and three men surrounding Izzy are shot in the head. Their bodies drop to the floor. Izzy shakes, feeling the warm blood spray from their wounds and hit her. Canche's remaining men fire off a few quick shots at SOA, but miss each one. Alvarez shoves through the crowd of SOA and stands in front of them.

"What the fuck?!" Canche points his gun at him.

"What have you done? You're gonna point a gun at my primo, ése? You're gonna point a gun at me, mοthеrfսckеr? What have you done, Canche?"

"Marcus, we didn't start this. We didn't start this."

"What have you done, primo? This is my fսcking club. You fսcking hear me? You fսcking hear me?! This is my fսcking club!"

Izzy's helped off the ground by a random SOA nomad. Alvarez apologizes to Happy, managing to calm the dangerous man a little, but knows that this isn't done. He watches while SOA leaves, Izzy carried from the destroyed lot. Canche and his men surrender their weapons and the Santo Padre men stand up off the ground. Alvarez explodes, hitting a few of them, demanding that they stop fighting each other, sad by the lives lost around them.


Izzy's in shock as she recovers at a hospital near Charming, CA. Her face is stitched up and her anxiety is treated, but she's kept for a few more hours as tests are run for any possible brain damage. She was knocked around pretty badly, basically kidnapped a few blocks away from the clubhouse. Alvarez found her vacate car, doors wide open, the window smashed. When he spotted a cell phone lying on the ground, picked it up, and saw her and EZ's faces on the broken screen, he knew something big was going down. A quick call to the Sons and he raced towards the clubhouse.

Chibs sat with Happy in the hospital's parking lot, listening to his loyal friend vent.

"I fucking told her this was gonna happen!" Happy screamed, shaking his head, a glare permanently etched on his face.

"I fucking knew it!" He screamed, "Those motherfuckers are fucking dead! Every single one of them!"

Chibs waved off the rest of the members, sending them back to their own clubhouse in Charming while he remained here, seated on his bike, watching a pissed off Happy scream and pace back and forth in the parking lot.

"And that fucking bitch fucking promised me he'd take care of her!"

Happy lit up a chain of stress cigarettes as his heart rate skyrocketed as he imagined all the different ways he was going to kill those men.

"I'm gonna find out who each and every one of them are."

"Aye, I know." Chibs nodded, checking the time on his phone, "Should hear back from Alvarez by tomorrow. Don't wanna have to go back down there with all this shit going on."

"Yeah. Yeah." Happy flicked his cigarette butt on the ground, nodding.

"Don't want you going down there either, Hap. You hear me?"

"Yeah." Happy sighed, "Got it, boss."

"Izzy and you can stay at my house," Chibs said, his decision final, "Long as you need. She can take some time off work-"

"Oh no," Happy barked out with a sarcastic laugh, "She ain't ever stepping foot in Santo fucking Padre again."


"Come in. Normally people wait to hear "come in" before they come in."

"I'm not people. I'm your brother. This was in your door. Think it's from Pops. Bro... How long you gonna keep icing him out?"

"Stay out of it, Angel. You know there's an entire bar in that clubhouse, right?"

"Can't I just want to get some quality time in with my little bro? Besides, man, everyone in there's all moody and shit these days."

"How are things with Nails?"

"Good. You know? She's, like, setting the house all up for a baby. Bought a bunch of expensive ass shit I don't have a fսcking clue what any of it does and... But... things are good. Yeah, we're good."

"If you're gonna make it work... like, actually work... you got to let go, man. The past, man. You may have wanted something else, but that shit's over. It's dead. And you got to bury it... or it'll haunt you."

"What the fսck is wrong with you? I just told you, we're good. You're tripping. Why you even bother fixing that? Look at this place, man. It's... sad."

"It suits me. It's simple."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I get it. Never getting laid keeps things pretty simple. Bro, at least put something up on the walls or get a dog or-or get a fսcking goldfish. This place is... depressing as fսck."

EZ sat down in his trailer after Angel left, pulling out his phone, and stared at the same picture of Izzy. Despite the unwanted advice he'd just given his own brother, EZ was a hypocrite, as he couldn't find it in himself to get rid of everything that reminded him of Izzy. It's been four months since that night. She didn't come back to Santo Padre, didn't return to work, didn't even come back to get her things from the house. One day, he came home and found all of her belongings gone. It's been radio silence since. He's asked around, but noone's heard anything. He knows it's Happy keeping her away and it hurts that he can't even blame him. Coco says her sudden disappearance has been hard on Letty too.

He often has nightmares where Canche actually did it. He wakes up in a cold sweat, his heart pounding out of his chest, and listens to himself cry out for her.

Snapping out of his thoughts, he grips his phone tight and dials his own voicemail. He listens to that same message, "You have one saved message. Saved message: Hey, it's me. It's getting late. I don't know where you are, but I'm gonna wait for you at the clubhouse. When you're finished with whatever you're doing, meet me there. Love you."

He closes his eyes, clenching his jaw shut, and just tries to breathe.


Shouting can be heard from the living room, followed by a door slamming, and the sound of a bike starting and speeding down the street. Someone knocks at her door.

"Iz? Izzy? You okay?"

She ignores them, staring at the blank wall, feels her tears slide over her nose and damp the pillow beneath her head. She closes her eyes, wills herself to just sleep, and tries to shut off her mind. She just wants to sleep. Why can't she just sleep?

𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥𝘴 - 𝙈𝙖𝙮𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙈𝘾Where stories live. Discover now