Chapter 39:

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Taehyung got up from the bed and walked over to the bathroom door.Jungkook had been there for an hour and he was starting to get worried.

They had been married for half a year and they had never fought.They were happy and madly in love with each other.After their marriage they realized that they were actually addicted to each other.Their chemistry was off the charts.

"Baby what's wrong"

"Uhm Tae it's just a stomach bug.Nothing to worry about
I will be out soon"Jungkook said as he fiddled with with the pregnancy test kits on the counter.

"Okay.I will make breakfast.Your favorite"

"Thanks love"

As soon as Jungkook heard his husband's fading footsteps he took his phone from the counter and dialed Jimin's number.

"Hey kookie"

"Hyung hie.You said clear blue is the most effective pregnancy test kit.Right?"

"Yeah.Why do you ask"

"Because I have just used them.I need to be sure"

"Oh my God.Don't tell me"

"Yeah they are all positive.They even indicated how far along I am as well"


"Thank you"

"Are you happy?"

"I was shocked.Hyung I was on birth control and I'm sure I have never missed a day.How is it possible that I'm pregnant"

"Maybe your husband overworked your birth control.It makes sense because you once told me that his dick game is no joke"

"Why do I even tell you stuff.Anyways I'm going to get it confirmed at the hospital before I actually tell Taehyung"

"Okie.How far along are you?"

"Here it says four weeks"

"Doesn't anything come to mind thinking back on that day four weeks ago"

"We..There  was an award show.Afterwards we came home and I had my heat.I want to cool myself in the pool and Taehyung came to me and..."

"Yeah you had sex in the pool didn't you?"

"Now it all makes sense,hyung.I was starting to freak out"

"You celebrated too hard"

"Maybe.I gotta go now.Thanks for talking to me"


Jungkook got rid of the test kits and took a shower.He wanted to leave the house right away but he didn't know if his husband would let him leave the house without eating.

Just as he had thought,Taehyung forced him to sit down and have breakfast.Only if he knew the kind of turmoil he was in.One thing he knew was that Taehyung would be very elated if they were really pregnant.

"What's the hurry?"Taehyung asked as he served their breakfast.

"Something came up at work"

"At seven in the morning Jungkook"

"Tae I don't know.The security said they need me there"

"Should I come with you?"

" you know what people say about you because you follow me around"

"I couldn't  care less about what people say about me.Only your opinion matters"

"Don't you have a schedule for today"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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