Chapter 1:My world

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Jungkook was woken up by his 5:30 alarm.It was hard to miss it because he barely asleep.He sat up ,yawned and stretched his limbs.Strangely every night seems long to him.He couldn't help but feel that something was missing in his life but he couldn't figure it out.

Frankly speaking he felt like he had everything he needed to be happy but he wasn't.Being the Attorney General's son and being a CEO of his own company couldn't bring him all the satsfication he needed.

Jungkook came from a long line family of law enforcers.His mother was a senior Judge whose siblings were either prosecutors,lawyers or judges.That was also the case for her husband.Most of Jungkook's cousin's followed in their parent's footsteps but that wasn't the case for the omega.

Ever since grownig up he had displayed a passion in entrepreneuship.Although his parents had other plans for him they couldn't overlook his gift.Thats why after graduating from high school they got him enrolled in a business school.They weren't surprised when he graduated top of his class.They expected no less from their omega son.

After graduating from college he started his very own cosmetics company with the help of his parents.It wasn't easy at first but his parent's family sailed him through.Now six years letter his business was flourishing to tremedious heights.

At the age of 28 Jungkook became an inspirational figure for other male omegas around the country.He had defined all stereotypes.He had the urge to start something on his own despite having so much.He was never the person who brags about who his father is and what he had accomplished.

At the peek of his career he was awarded the youngest entrapruneur of the year.Numerous magazine interviews followed right after.That was how he rose to fame in the world of business.

After rolling out of bed he slipped on his slippers and made way to the bathroom.

Once he had completed his morning routine he dressed himself up in a suit like a proper business man he was.Everything would be perfect if it weren't because of his omega curves.It was just too damn obvious that he was an omega.If only he could do something about it.

He then asked himself what was the use in worrying about something he couldn't change.Worrying about such a thing was only a waste of his time.Without further delaying he went to his kitchen and fixed himself a bowel of cereal.Once he was done having it he went to brush his teeth.Then he came back to the kitchen and grabbed an apple on his way out.

Well speaking of his apartment,it was what you would expect of a CEO.It consisted of three bedrooms ,two bathrooms,a living room,a kitchen that was connected to a dinning and then a balcony.

In terms of cars ,he was at a stage where he could change a car at will.

When he arrived in the underground parking lot ,he spotted his blue Audi and unlocked it.After getting on he drove off while listening to the morning news.The truth be told,Jungkook hadn't had fun in a while.Believe it or not he had been a spoilt brat up until the point someone messed up his mind.It was a life changing occurrence for him.He became someone new over night.

Since then he had maintained a small circle of friends that consisted of females and omegas.The only alphas he could stand were his father and his cousins.Only his friends knew the story of his life and the pain he hides from within.

With his circle of friends they go out every Friday evening to get away.from their busy careers.They am had agreed that they needed to catch up.

When he arrived at JK Cosmetics building ,his friend and personal assisistant welcomed him with a cup of his favorite coffee.Caramel machiato.

"Good morning and thank you"Jungkook smiled and made himself comfortable on the lobby couch.

"Good morning sir"

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