Chapter 23:Closure

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Jungkook walked into his apartment which had started feeling strange since the break up.Everything in that house reminded him of Taehyung and all the memories they shared there.

"Hey baby"he smiled as he picked up Troy the cat Taehyung had gotten him on their first anniversary.

"You miss daddy don't you?"

The cat responded by meowing

"I missed him to.But what can we do"

The cat only stared at him.It appeared as if the animal was mad at him but he didn't want to know why.

"You must be hungry.Let me feed you"

After feeding the cat he went to his room.He had wanted to change but he lost the will when he saw the clothes Taehyung left behind and all the gifts he had gotten him.He felt as though those items were taunting him.

Finally after a month he was able to feel all the emotions he should have felt when he broke up with Taehyung.The flood gate had been opened and the waterfall didn't hold anything back.

"What have you done Jungkook?"he screamed and tugged at his hair.He felt like suffocating because the pressure he was feeling around his chest was too much to bear.It felt like there was a huge whole in his chest.

After a while his sobs only grew louder and he covered his mouth as if he was afraid that someone might hear him crying.Like he wasn't supposed to cry at all.

"Do you regret it?"

Jungkook searched for the source of the voice and found out it was a person who looked exactly like him.

"Who are you?"

"You conscience.We haven't been talking lately "

"What ?"

"You pushed away the only man who has ever loved you for who you are.All for what?Your selfish pride"

Jungkook was stunned.Was he going out of his mind now.

"Jungkook you are bratty,mean ,self centered egotistic and Taehyung still put up with you.Why?Because he fucking loved you.But what did you do.Couldn't you have a little faith in him"


"Now you feel bad because all your friends are married and you are not.Whose fault do you think that is?"

"It's all mine"he whispered hopelessly.

"It's still not too late.Taehyung loves you.If you want to get him back use that love against him.If you don't you will die lonely and miserable"

Jungkook was broken from his reverie by his ringing phone.He fished his phone from his pocket and wiped his tears before answering it


"I'm glad that you picked up"

"What's wrong?"

"Taehyung had a hernia surgery yesterday and I just got to know that he left the hospital before he should.I'm out of town at the moment so can you please go and check on him.I'm afraid his wound may fuster"

"Goodness hyung.Where could he be?"

"Frankly I don't know"

"Hyung I will check both his house and the penthouse"

"Please do so"

"Doesn't his family know"

"He didn't want them to know"

Jungkook's first instinct was to check his house.Luck seemed to be on his side when he found the house unlocked.However all the lights were out.Maybe Taehyung was sleeping so he proceeded.Over the last two years he had come to know the maze like house like the back of his palm.

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