Chapter 38

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Both Taehyung and Jungkook's families as well as their friends had booked almost half of the hotel in Jeju.Everyone had arrived well in time for the wedding that was going to take place tomorrow.The couple didn't know who had came up with the idea of the destination wedding but they were just going ahead with it.

Taehyung had made plans for a little dinner date with Jungkook before their big day tomorrow.He came out of his room at midnight assuming everyone would be asleep but he was wrong.He bumped into Mrs Jeon in the hallway.She had forbidden the pair from seeing each other before the wedding.Right now he knew she wouldn't allow him to go into Jungkook's room.

"Oh Tae.Why aren't you asleep yet?"

"I couldn't sleep so I want to go for a walk"

"Sure but don't stay up too late.You have a big day tomorrow*

"Sure"he smiled despite knowing that his picnic date had just flopped.He ended up taking the walk he had lied about.Eventually he went to bed at 2.

By ten everyone from the groom side was ready.The ceremony was only an hour away and Taehyung was getting nervous.The only thing that could ease his nervousness was seeing Jungkook.

"Taehyung we have a situation"Mrs Jeon exclaimed

"What's wrong"

"Don't freak out ok.Kookie is missing"


"I couldn't find him in his room and when I went  to search for his friends they werent in their room.Your sister and your cousin were also not there"

"Where could they be?"

"Management informed me that there were people passed out in the bar.Seems like they had a wild party.Everyone was accounted for except Jungkook"

"Have you checked around the vicinity .Where could he have gone"

"Maybe he ran away"Jihoon said.

"You never know.People tend to do crazy things when they are drunk"

"Tae can you not tell your parents about this in the meantime.They will freak out.We will look for him"

"Let's just hope he didn't get kidnapped"

"What if he is in some stranger's room passed out"

"Enough .I'm going to look for him."

"Don't make a scene.If we don't find him in time we will have to postpone the wedding"

"I'm sure we will find him.Guys let's spread out"Taehyung said

"What kind of drama is this"

"I really have no idea.I just wanted to get married to Jungkook today.I have waited too long for this"

"Cheer up.He might have felt hot after drinking and maybe he went to cool down at the pool.I know my cousin when he is drunk"Hoseok said

"I know its crazy but let's check there"

Taehyung didn't know how to feel when he had to wait for Jungkook at the alter.He didn't know where he was so he couldn't either be upset or angry.Maybe Jungkook had changed his mind after all.Could he really do that to him.Couldn't he just tell him that he didn't want to do this anymore.Would they be able to see eye to eye after this.

Murmurs erupted from the guests when Jungkook was still a no show after half an hour.Taehyung was running out of patience but his bestma Namjoon was there to calm him down.The alpha's parents grew concerned over Jungkook's absence.Mrs Jeon told them he was just running late.

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