Chapter 7:I don't know what to think anymore

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Monday had never been this tiresome for Jungkook.In the morning he had gone to work like usual but he hadn't got anything done.He was worried about his wallet since Taehyung hadn't gotten in touch with him.Now it was ten in the evening and he still hadn't gotten anything.

"Is he messing with me?"Jungkook had made dinner but he had failed to get anything down because of a certain man.No it was about his wallet to be presice.His wallet nothing else.Was this how it felt to wait for someone's call so urgently.Was Taehyung really doing it on purpose to trouble him.

Jungkook decided to stop agonizing and cleared off his kitchen counter.Once he was done he went on to do dishes so he could pass time.

At eleven sharp his doorbell rang.His first instinct told him it was Taehyung but the alpha didn't know his address or did he?Well there was only one way to find out who would visit an unmated omega at such an hour.

Jungkook went to get the door and was welcomed by Taehyung's grinning face"Hie"

Jungkook had never thought he would ever be glad to see Taehyung until now"Wait...How the fuck did you get my address?"

"I don't think that matters right now.You want your wallet don't you?"

"You really are one dangerous man"

"Thanks for the compliment.Here is your wallet "

"Uhm thanks"

"I will be on my now"

"Taehyung....wait.."Jungkook bit his lip

"Do you have some mean things you haven't said to me"

"Come on.I'm not the worst person on earth.Just hear me out"

"I'm all ears"

"I want to invite you in for some tea.I make really good tea if I do say so myself"

"Are you being for real?"

"That is if you aren't in a hurry.I know it's late but..."

"Why not?"

"Come on in then"Jungkook moved in further into the apartment to allow the alpha entry.He had never allowed an alpha who wasn't his father or his cousins into his apartment.Right now he was doing it without even thinking  about the consequences.

"Please take a seat.I will just go and heat the water up"

"Can I please have some water"Taehyung didn't know why he suddenly felt thirsty.

"Come to the kitchen and serve yourself"


After having his water Taehyung decided to stick around and watch Jungkook brew the tea.Minutes later the omega served them tea and some snacks.

After taking the first sip Taehyung looked up at the omega awe.

"What's wrong ?"

"Is it not to your liking?"

"No,it's really good"

"I try"

"I really can't believe we are in this situation right now.I might just be dreaming"

"Taehyung ,just because I refused to take you or your feelings seriously doesn't mean I'm a bad person.I know how to thank someone.My parents taught me better than that"

"I feel like you are leading me on"

"You are free to think whatever you want.Everyone is entitiled to his or her opinion.I can't do much about it"

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