Chapter 21:Leaving.

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Jungkook had gotten a little taste of happiness when he spent the entire week waking up to Taehyung's face.He didn't know mere cuddles and small kisses could make him feel like he was on top of the world.

He had finally agreed to go out to eat with his cousin because Taehyung had said he had important things to do at the agency so they couldn't spend the weekend together.

As soon as Hoseok and Jungkook entered the restaurant they spotted Rose and Taehyung sitting together,eating and laughing.

Jungkook didn't want to go any further but his cousin dragged him over to the table.

"Can we please sit with you"

Both Rose and Taehyung were shocked to see the two cousins.Hoseok was into creating a scene in front of his on  and off girlfriend but Jungkook didn't want that.Yes he was disappointed but making a scene wasn't going to help.

"Hyung let's just go"

"Your.friend is sitting with your boyfriend.Does it not affect you?"Hoseok asked the omega.

"He isn't my boyfriend.I lied"

"So are they together then"

"Hyung you are looking at them.Why don't you ask them"Jungkook said dispassionately

"Hoseok it's not what you are thinking?Taehyung and I are not a thing"Rose said

"And you Taehyung do you have something to say to my cousin.I know he likes you and you are aware of that so speak up"

"Even if I did will any of you believe me"

That statement seemed to flare Jungkook's temper"You aren't even going to try because you don't feel the need to right?It's good to know that this is what you meant when you said you had important things to do"

"Jungkook listen"Taehyung tried to hold the omega's hand but

"Don't fucking touch me.Liar"

"Jungkook it's not what you are thinking.We wouldn't do that to you"

"How do you expect me to believe anything any of you say when Taehyung lied straight to my face about where he was going"

"I can explain".

"You don't need to.Hoseok hyung let's go"

Hoseok stared at Rose and said "You are really something else"


"Save your breath"

Jungkook didn't utter a word until they were out of the building and in Hoseok's car.

"Do you want me to take you home"the alpha asked

"No,take me to my office"

"Do you feel OK?"

"I really don't know how to feel and you?"

"I'm angry and hurt but there is nothing I can do about it"

"Do you believe they are together.Like together?"Jungkook asked

"What would you want me to think when that fucker lied to you.If there is really nothing going on then why would he lie about seeing your friend"

"I really don't know.Maybe we could be jumping to conclusion"

Jungkook had been sitting behind his desk for hours having bad thoughts.Rose happened to walk in and startled him.

"I'm glad I found you here"

"What are you doing here"

"I'm here to explain and you are going to listen to me."Rose said

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