Chapter 20:Dinner

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Jungkook was very upset.Why?Taehyung hadn't read or responded to his text in two good weeks.Was this a trend of his?What kind of boyfriend gets that busy.No he wasn't his boyfriend yet but still..

As a result of being so upset he cooked a lot of food that he didn't know what to do with.Cooking happens to calm his nerves a lot.If he invited the girls over for dinner they all would be talking about Taehyung and that was something he didn't want.

Eventually he decided to invite his favorite cousin Hoseok.They hadn't bonded since the alpha broke up with Rose.Jungkook had been the one to play match maker.

Half an hour his doorbell rang.Since when did Hoseok become so punctual.Nevertheless he went to get the door only to be met with the last person he wanted to see.

"What are you doing here"

"You invited me for dinner.Did you forget "

"There is no way"the omega scolwed at the alpha in front of him.

"Check your phone,princess"

"It's better you stop with the petty names because I'm already quite upset with you as it is Taehyung"


Jungkook cut the alpha off as he went through his phone"Don't you say anything"

To his shock Jungkook discovered that he had accidentally sent the text to Taehyung instead of Hoseok.If it wasn't Taehyung then he would be embarrassed.What was he even thinking?

"I think I made a mistake.I was supposed to send this text to a different guy"his tone had turned soft

"Oh.A guy?I guess I should leave"

"No,you aren't leaving because we have something to talk about.I want to end things with you before you dream of us being official"


"Taehyung get in and closed the door.I don't want my neighbors to witness the scene I'm about to create"

"OK"Taehyung smiled"Where should I put these?"

"Follow me to the kitchen"

Taehyung watched Jungkook as he passively placed the flowers in a vase of fresh water.After that he went to setting up the dining table for the two of them.Once he had dished out the food he poured the wine the alpha had brought.

"It's better you eat first before you get to hear what I have to say.I wouldn't want you to lose your appetite"

Taehyung obeyed and started eating right away.The food was really delicious but he didn't know whether to comment about it or not.He might comment on it but basing on the omega's mood he might get snarled at.So the two ate in silence.Once they were done Taehyung volunteered to do the dishes and the younger male let him.

The dishes were done and Jungkook had made tea.They went and got comfortable in front of the TV.The older man wasn't paying any attention to the show but was stealing glances at the miffed omega.

"Before I start do you have anything to say for yourself"Jungkook angled his body to face the alpha who was sitting on the same couch with him

"I'm sorry"

"Is that all you can say?For what exactly.For being busy?

"Look I know what it looks like.But..."

"You don't know what it looks like Taehyung.I was sick when you left me here.You didn't even come to check up on me or even text to ask how I was feeling?And now after two weeks you show up with flowers and a bottle of wine.Then you claim to love me.Is that any way to treat someone you love.What do you take me for?"

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