Chapter 30: Two People He Thought He'd Never See Again (Tommy's POV)

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There he was, an alive Wilbur Soot. Tommy couldn't believe his eyes.

"Wilbur?" Tommy asked quietly.

"The one and only," Wilbur replied. (REFERENCE TO FIRST CHAPTER)

Tommy sprung off the couch and ran toward his brother. He wrapped his arms around him as angry tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Why did you leave me?!" Tommy yelled, "You said you were always going to be there for me!"

"I'm sorry Tommy," Wilbur replied regretfully.

Tommy only hugged him tighter. He was afraid that if he let go of his elder brother, he would never see him again.

"You suck, and I hate you," Tommy muttered into Wilbur's chest.

Tommy wasn't completely sure how Wilbur came back to life or if he was even the old Wilbur again, he was just happy to have him back. 

"I'll never forgive you for leaving me," Tommy said spitefully.

"Knowing you, I kind of expected that," Wilbur laughed.

Tommy didn't understand what was so funny. Wilbur had asked Phil to kill him and now he suddenly was back to life. What if Wilbur still wanted to die? What if he was just there to visit and then would leave again? Tommy wouldn't be able to take that. He couldn't let that happen. He wouldn't let that happen. He wouldn't let Wilbur leave him again.

"If you die again I swear I'll kill you asshole!" Tommy vowed, making eye contact with Wilbur. 

 Wilbur seemed a bit surprised for a moment, but in the next, his expression softened.

"I'll try my best to stay gremlin child," He said to Tommy playfully.

"AY, I'M NOT A GREMLIN CHILD, FOUR EYES!!!" Tommy yelled, breaking away from the hug, "Wait... Since when did you wear glasses?"

Wilbur looked away, clearly uncomfortable with the topic. Tommy was about to interrogate Wilbur about his eyesight when Phil walked over with tears in his eyes.

"I'm- I'm so sorry mate," The man said as he embraced Wilbur tightly.

"Don't be, I asked you to do it," Wilbur replied.

As the two had their reunion, Tommy shifted his gaze over to Techno. At the moment, he had forgotten all fear and walked over to his brother as if nothing had happened between them.

"Technoooo, why does Wilbur wear glasses??? It makes him look like a nerd!" Tommy whined.

Techno looked taken aback as if he didn't think Tommy would talk to him so casually. This surprised Tommy because Techno usually didn't show any emotion at all. Techno seemed to notice Tommy's shock because he quickly recovered.

"Tommy, are you stupid?" Techno asked.

"Eh??? How dare you call the GREAT BIG MAN TOMMYINNINT stupid ???"  Tommy shouted.

"Well, then you must be blind. You already know about the red eye thing, right? If you actually looked at Wil you would've noticed that one of his eyes is constantly red and that he has a red highlight in his hair," Techno pointed out.

"You only notice this junk 'cus you wear glasses too idiot!!!" Tommy retorted. (Techno wears glasses in this fic FIGHT ME)

Techno groaned and rolled his eyes. Tommy simply glared at him.

"The point is that somehow Wilbur has come back to life, and I think that the red eye, red highlight, and his glasses, which are ALL new, have something to do with it," Techno admitted.

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