Chapter 3: A Nightmare, no, a Dream (Tommy's POV)

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Tommy quickly found out that hunting was harder than it seemed. He could easily hit big things like cows and sheep, but for some reason, they were a bit rare in the path he was taking. Interestingly enough, the one type of animal that was extremely common was pigs. This, however, did not work out in favor of Tommy at all. This was because his own elder brother, Technoblade, was ALSO a pig. Well, kind of. It was hard to explain. Sure, he hated the guy for attacking l'manburg, but he still cared for him to some extent. Also, he felt sick even thinking about eating a pig because he knew all he'd be able to think about was how Technoblade would taste the same. But hunting was the least of his problems. 

The next problem was cooking. At first, he tried to roast it over a fire. The problem is the fire attracted mobs toward him. Seeing how he had a very weak weapon, a wooden sword, it was pretty dangerous to fight. On top of that, the fire might attract Dream, who could be looking for him already. If Tommy thought it was dangerous to fight mobs, then it would be DEADLY to throw hands with Dream. He also didn't have a pickaxe, so that meant it would be extremely difficult to make a stove.

Another problem, also including Dream, was that Tommy couldn't sleep. Not just because he was afraid of Dream coming to find him, but because of the stupid voices telling him to end it all. What was worse was that sometimes he actually wanted to listen to them. This all added up to a sleep deprived teen that couldn't hunt, cook, or even mine efficiently because, you know... he's SLEEP DEPRIVED.

 Now that he really thought about it, he probably imagined Wilbur speaking to him back at the logshire. It was probably just his subconscious telling him to get away from Dream and he, desperate to hear a familiar voice, just imagined it into his head. In that case, he was probably supposed to go to Technoblade. Even if it was really was Wilbur somehow, he would have definitely advised him to go to Technoblade. It made perfect sense. The only one that could win a fight with Dream head on was Technoblade. 

"Are you thinking about me?" A voice said from behind Tommy while he was hunting.

Tommy stiffened up. He knew that voice. It belonged to Dream. Even though the sun was blazing down on the back of his head, his insides turned to solid ice. He slowly turned around and there he was. Dream pointed a netherite sword at him. 

"Remember what I said?" He asked cruelly.

"Sorry sorry sorry," Tommy said hastily, holding back tears, "I didn't mean to, I promise!"

"Why would you lie to me?" Dream said bringing the netherite sword closer.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! I'm sorry!" Tommy yelled, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Too late," Dream said coldly, as he swung his sword at him.

"I'M SORRY!!!" Tommy shrieked as he woke up and sprung from the grass he was laying on.

"What....?" Tommy whispered breathlessly.

He looked at the sky. The moon shined brightly through the clouds. That couldn't be right. He was hunting during DAYTIME. Then realization hit him. It was a nightmare! He felt relief sweep into his lungs. 

" A nightmare... More like a DREAM!" He thought jokingly.

He chuckled at his own joke. But it wasn't a normal "that was funny" chuckle. It was more like a nervous, slightly hysterical one. He could still feel himself trembling with fear. 

He missed the feeling of safety.

He missed Tubbo.

He missed Wilbur

He missed Phil

He missed Goerge

He missed Sapnap

He missed l'manburg.

And hopefully, that was exactly where he was going.

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