Chapter 35: I want... (Tommy's POV)

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Tommy awoke to find a gray roof above him. He immediately jumped to his feet, ignoring the blanket that had fallen to the ground. He thought he was with Phil, Techno, and Wilbur. Where was he? This definitely couldn't be somewhere in Techno's cottage. Was he kidnapped?! He decided that to escape he needed to find out his situation first. 

He took in his surroundings. He was in a cell, that was for sure. There were some other empty cells around him, 9 to be exact. He could spot a huge rectangle-shaped hole from where he stood and it seemed that it didn't lead outside because there was no light coming from it. It could just be night though. 

He examined the cell he was confined to. There was a small, but comfortable bed with a blanket matching its size. In the corner of the cell, there was a smaller room with a closed door attached to it. He attempted to open the door, and to his surprise, it opened. 

Unfortunately, it probably couldn't help him escape, it was just a toilet and a sink. There was also a camera. Tommy tried his best to ignore it and pretend it was broken. He didn't like the idea of being watched

He was wearing his now patched up iconic red and white baseball shirt with one of Ranboob's "long jackets" over it. He hugged the jacket closer to himself, it was extremely cold wherever he was.

Suddenly, he heard something from the hole. His head snapped toward the sudden slight scraping noise. Soon, a modern looking elevator was in his sight. Out of it stepped...

"Dream?!" Tommy asked harshly with a hint of fear.

"I'm so touched you remember me," The man replied, walking closer to the cell.

"You're such a creep!" Tommy yelled, fear still lingering in his voice.

"Oh? And how so?" Dream asked with mock curiosity.

"Y- you know how! You kidnapped me!" Tommy shouted in response, mentally cursing at himself for stuttering.

As Dream stepped closer Tommy backed up more and more in his cell. It was then he noticed that one of Dream's eyes was visible due to a piece of his mask being missing.

"Me?! Kidnapping you?! " Dream laughed.

"Yeah! How else did I get here?!" Tommy retorted.

"You're friends handed you over to me! I didn't have to do anything!" Dream lied.

Tommy stayed silent for a moment. He was lying, right? They didn't give up on him, did they?

"Who wouldn't?" One of the voices asked.

"What?" Tommy whispered.

"You are a bother!"

"You make life harder for people!"

"No-no I don't," Tommy whimpered as his legs gave out beneath him.

Tommy could see Dream's visible eyebrow lift in surprise from the corner of his eyes. He could hear the door of his cell being unlocked as Tommy denied the whispers pouring into his ears that seemed to be only too true. He felt someone's arms wrap around him and expected it to be Dream, but when he checked, he saw Wilbur instead. Tommy hugged his brother back and cried into his chest.

"Am- am I a bother? Do-do I make like harder f-for the people around m-me?" Tommy whimpered between sobs.

"It's okay, even though they left you, I'll always be here," Dream's voice responded.

Tommy looked again. It was indeed Dream hugging him, not Wilbur, but Tommy didn't care. He was traumatized and touch starved. He needed emotional support, no matter where it came from.

"You wouldn't mind if I gave you a shot to help you sleep?" Dream asked after a few minutes, "It is night after all."

"W-will it hurt?" Tommy asked between sobs.

"Not too much," Dream replied kindly.

"O-ok," Tommy whimpered.

Dream pulled out a shot and carefully injected it into Tommy's left arm. Tommy immediately felt intense pain all over his body. He let out a pained shriek as more tears poured out. He jumped away from Dream. He couldn't stop crying. He shut his eyes tight, not that it mattered anyway, his tears blinded him when his eyes were open. He opened his eyes again anyway trying to search for a blob of green through his tears.

"You said it wouldn't hurt- you said- you said," Tommy yelled.

"I designed it in such a way so that you will pass out from the intense pain you are feeling," Dream replied, his voice full of glee.

"I- I want- I w-want-....." Tommy tried to say as black dots started to obscure his vision.


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