Chapter 28: Glasses (Techno's POV)

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A few days ago, Phil had snuck back to his house while Ghostbur and Techno stayed at the cottage. The day had been relatively peaceful and Techno was sitting on a couch in the living room reading a book called "the Art of War". It would have been a perfectly normal day if he hadn't heard...


Techno's head shot towards Ghostbur's room, where the noise had come from. Techno quickly left the book as he ran upstairs. He immediately opened Ghostbur's room to see him lying on the ground.

"Ghostbur?! What's wrong?!" Techno asked with a pinch of worry sprinkled around his monotone voice.

"I'm so... cold," Ghostbur answered before he passed out. 

Tech immediately picked the Ghost up and left him on his bed before racing back downstairs to search for any potion that could help his younger brother.

"Regeneration, invisibility, absorption..." Techno read hastily, his finger pointing at the labels as he read them.

None of them would help Ghostbur, so Techno decided it would be best to just wait until he woke up. Techno went back up the stairs, quietly this time, and opened the door to Ghostbur's door to check on him. It turns out he had surprisingly already woken up, and Techno was relieved of course,  but the problem was it wasn't Ghostbur that looked back at him.

It was Wilbur.

He wore a long dark brown trench coat with the same yellow sweater under it he had before. On his left arm, a bandage was carelessly wrapped around what seemed to be a wound based on how some of the blood seeped through. The l'manburg flag was stitched on the lower part of the left sleeve. He had the same chocolatey brown locks of hair, but he had a crimson high light in it. His eyes matched the same color but cooled almost immediately as soon as he realized who he looking at.

"Wilbu-" Techno began to ask.

Suddenly Wilbur ran towards Techno and wrapped his hands around him. Techno seemed a bit shocked at first, but his face eventually shifted to calmness as he hugged his thought to be dead brother. After some time, they broke apart. Techno noticed that one of Wilbur's eyes was still red, while the other was his normal brown. He'd ask Wilbur about it later. As the two brothers made eye contact, Techno snorted. 

"Since when did you need glasses shortie?" Techno asked.

"First of all, I am NOT short! Second of all, none of your business," Wilbur replied.

"Whoa, Wil, no need to get protective over your glasses!" Techno chuckled.

Wilbur groaned.

"So, what did I miss?" Wilbur asked.

"Uhhhh, heh heh, nothing toooo important!" Techno replied, purposely making it obvious he was lying.

"So? What happened?" Wilbur asked impatiently.

"Hmm, well, Tommy got exiled-" Techno began.

"Saw that coming," Wilbur interrupted proudly.

Techno decided not to ask Wilbur why he was proud of Tommy for getting exiled.

"Uh, okay.... Well- waaaait... How are you even alive?" Techno asked.

Wilbur decided to not answer and instead seemed to suddenly be very interested in a pile of gapples. Techno's eyes darted from Wilbur's red streak in his hair to his right eye, which was the same shade of red. Suddenly, something clicked.

"Mumza," Wilbur muttered before Techno could say anything.

"What?" Techno asked, not expecting him to actually reply.

"I-... Mumza saw me in pain and decided to help," Wilbur explained, "And to come back to life, I needed to get the ghost out of the picture."

Techno would've been thinking more about Ghostbur, but he knew that it would upset Wilbur. And, there was another question that he was dying to ask.

"Did you get any side effects?" Techno asked quickly.

"No," Wilbur replied, "Mumza didn't want to mess up my mental health more than it already is."

Techno knew what that meant. Phil had confided in him about everything that had happened on the day Wilbur died. He was half insane and ASKED Phil to kill him.

"Uhhh, so why did you come back?" Techno asked.

"L'manburg is mine, not somebody else's!" Wilbur retorted.

"But Tubbo's running it-" Techno began.

"I know, and you of all people should know that government was garbage in the first place!" Wilbur shouted.

Techno sighed. He had a feeling he knew where this was going.

"So, what are you going to do?" Techno asked.

"What I did last time idiot," Wilbur replied cooly.

"Wil, you know-" Techno began, putting one of his hands on Wilbur's right shoulder. 

Wilbur slapped his hand away and in the process knocked off his glasses. Techno watched as Wilbur slowly realized that his glasses weren't on. Wilbur immediately started to search for it hastily.

"Fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck," Wilbur muttered in panic under his breath.

"Wil, are you ok-" Techno began.

"SHUT. UP." Wilbur demanded looking straight into Techno's eyes.

Techno couldn't believe it. Somehow, Wilbur's eyes were a deeper crimson than they should've been.

"Wil-" Techno began again.


Techno moved without even thinking and pulled Wilbur into another hug. He could feel Wilbur struggling to escape, but eventually, he calmed down. A few minutes later, he felt a soft dripping of water. Wilbur was crying. 

"Wil-" Techno began, praying he wouldn't be interrupted.

"No... shut up, I hate you," Wilbur said weakly.

"Wil are you ok?" Techno asked.

He didn't get a response. All he heard was quiet sniffling as Wilbur snuggled closer to Techno. (NOT A SHIP, THEY'RE BROTHERS YOU IDIOTS) 

"Please... don't leave..." Wilbur pleaded weakly. 

"I-... I won't," Techno replied.

He was never too good at comforting people or physical touch in general, so this was all new to him. He just decided to do what he thought was best. (Heh heh, Techno is touch starved)

Techno wasn't entirely sure how long they stayed there. Maybe 10 minutes, maybe 10 hours. He wasn't sure. Soon, he heard soft snoring from Wilbur. He shifted the way he was holding him to bridal style (STILL NOT A SHIPPPPP) and gently carried him to his (Techno's) room. He laid him on the bed carefully and pulled the covers over him. Techno went down the stairs, picked up Wilbur's slightly cracked glasses, and left them on the bed sight table right next to Wilbur. He left the room, closed the door quietly, and sent a message to Phil through his comms.


Now all he had to do was wait...

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