Chapter 16: Sleeping Soldier Boy (Tommy's POV)

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"So Tommy, do you have voices?" Phil asked.

Tommy was a bit taken aback by this question. He began to remember what had happened back at the logshire and every night he tried going to sleep ever since he ran away from it. Tommy couldn't look into Phil's eyes. How had he known? Tommy had never told anyone about his voices. Did Technoblade have voices? Is that how he found out? Tommy looked at the ground with wide eyes as questions poured through his mind.

"Voices?" He asked quietly.

His eyes felt slightly warm. He had a feeling he knew what that meant. It wasn't going to burn, but it was definitely red. 

"They'll think you're weak if you tell them!"

"They'll throw you out!"

"You can't tell them!"

"Lie to them!"

Tommy didn't respond to the voices or the people sitting around him.

"They'll give you to Dream!"

Now, Tommy was listening. He didn't want to go back to Dream. He couldn't.

"Shut up!" He yelled at the voices more than Phil, "That's bullshit! I didn't have voices!"

Phil looked at him with shock. Not angry shock, but more like "I've seen that somewhere before" shock.

"Very well," Phil replied cooly, pulling himself back together, "you may leave."

Tommy felt his eyes cool down. He, Ranboo, and Tubbo got up to leave.

"Except Tommy," Phil requested.

But, really, the request was more of a demand.

"Uh, okay," Tommy stuttered sitting back down on the couch awkwardly.

"We'll see you later Big T!" Tubbo called as he and Ranboo closed the door behind them.

Tommy heard their footsteps fade, signaling they had left the house, but Tommy had a feeling that they were standing right beside the house, waiting for Tommy to come out. Apparently, Phil also had a feeling that was the case as he spoke so quietly, that it was barely above a whisper.

"I had a feeling you didn't want anyone to know, so I told your friends to leave," Phil told Tommy quietly.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about. I don't have anything to hide," Tommy said firmly.

"You have voices, don't you?" Phil asked gently.

Tommy was struggling to hold his tears back. He was a big man. Big men don't cry. They're tough and strong. 

"You don't have to deny help just to be tough," Phil reassured him, reading his mind.

Tears started to stream down Tommy's face. Phil got out of his armchair and embraced Tommy with his arms and wings.

"I'm sorry!" Tommy managed to utter through his tears.

"Don't be," Phil said softly, "you don't have to apologize for expressing your feelings."

"I- I just-" Tommy stuttered shakily.

"Shhhh," Phil whispered.

Suddenly, Phil began to sing a tune only too familiar (from Avatar: The Last Air Bender).

"Leaves from the vine

Falling so slow

Like fragile tiny shells

Drifting in the foam

Little soldier boy

Come marching home

Brave soldier boy

Comes marching home,"

Tommy felt his eyelids become heavy as he eventually drifted to sleep, but the song still remained. This time, a woman with a familiar voice continued the song.

"Those leaves did grow

From branches overgrown

Drifting slowly down

Resting on the loam

Little soldier boy

Taken from home

Forced to fight a war

That's not his own"

Tommy looked at the woman singing it to see that he was no longer in Phil's embrace, but in his mother's. The two were leaning against a sakura tree that was beside a clear river.

"Leaves from the vine

Falling so slow

Like fragile tiny shells

Drifting in the foam

Little soldier boy says

'Carry me home'

Sleeping soldier boy

Is carried home."

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