Chapter 5: Flower Crown (Ranboo's POV)

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Ok, small note before you read this:

In this fanfic, Ranboo didn't visit Tommy in exile because... I don't know honestly. I just kinda need him to not have visited Tommy for this chapter to work out smoothly. Bye!

Ranboo could tell that Tubbo still felt horrible about exiling Tommy. Honestly, he missed Tommy too. The three of them used to be close friends before... before all of this. Maybe one day, he'd see Tommy again. He hoped it would soon.

"Hey, Ranboo! How's it going?" Puffy called.

Puffy was a sheep hybrid with fluffy white hair. She also happened to be Dream's biological mother. (In dreamsmp ONLY) 

"Oh it's going well, how about you?" Ranboo replied cheerfully.

"I'm doing great!" she exclaimed, "Is Micheal doing ok?"

Micheal was Tubbo and Ranboo's adopted child. They just found him wandering all alone on the streets one day and decided to take him in. He was actually a young zombified piglin. They were never sure how he even got out of the Nether. Zombified piglins are usually only found there.

"Actually, I was going to check on him just now! I just need to get some food," Ranboo answered.

"Well, I'll leave you to it! See you later, Ranboo!" she said, waving a hand at him.

Ranboo walked toward a nearby shop stand. (I forgot how shops are in l'manburg, so I made some stuff up.) Each shop stand sold something different. Right now, Ranboo needed apples, carrots, cow meat, goat meat, and tomatoes. He easily bought apples. Since they were so easy to find, they never really ran out. Carrots were also an easy find. It was the same with tomatoes. Cow and goat meat, however, ran out quickly. Ranboo almost didn't get any at all.

After he finally left the stands, Ranboo finally started to go home. His home wasn't hard to find, seeing how it was the largest house in l'manburg. He easily could spot it without a map or even a compass. 


Ranboo remembered the compass always hanging from Tubbo's neck. Long ago, in the better days, Tubbo and Tommy each enchanted their own compass so Tubbo's compass would point toward Tommy, and Tommy's compass would point toward Tubbo. They did it so they could always find each other. On the inside of Tommy's compass cover, it would say "Your Tubbo" and on the inside of Tubbo's compass cover, it would say "Your Tommy." Ranboo had always thought the gesture was adorable, but now, thinking about it, all he could feel was sadness. He longed for a taste of normalcy... But he knew it would never come. Not until either l'manburg or Dream was dead. 


Here it was. Ranboo and Tubbo's home. He stepped into the welcoming building. It was so quiet. Almost peaceful. Almost. Something was wrong. It was too quiet. Why? What had changed? Realization hit Ranbbo like a bus. His insides turned to ice. Where was Micheal?

"Micheal?" Ranboo called, trying desperately to remain calm, "Micheal where are you?!"

Ranboo searched the whole house. Micheal wasn't anywhere. Terrible thoughts entered his head. Micheal could have been kidnapped. Or killed. He could've wandered away from home and be screaming for help right now and Ranboo could do nothing to help. Ranboo was about to continue thinking of all the bad scenarios that could have been happening at that exact moment when he heard a voice from outside. He walked outside as the voice became more distinguishable.

"Get off, you stupidly adorable pig thingy!" a familiar British voice whisper screamed.

Ranboo peeked from behind a tree, making only the white side of his face visible. What he saw surprised him immensely. Tommy was standing up with one foot in the air. The foot in the air had Micheal hanging off of it, apparently thinking they were playing some sort of game. Tommy spotted Ranboo almost immediately due to how unusually tall Ranboo was.

"Argh!" Tommy yelled, "Slenderman!"

Tommy immediately grabbed the small zombified piglet off his foot and shielded it with his arm. 

"If you want the get the kid then you have to go through me!" an unarmed Tommy yelled, forgetting to stay as quiet as he could.

Ranboo stepped out of the cover of the tree. He could see Tommy's eyes go wide. It was then, that Ranboo spotted the flower crown perched on Tommy's head. Micheal, being a flower lover like Ranboo, had undoubtedly had made it for Tommy. Since Micheal only made flower crowns for people he was close to, this caught Ranboo off-guard a bit.

Micheal jumped out of Tommy's arms and ran toward Ranboo, but Tommy ran faster. He hugged Ranboo as tightly as he could and began to sob. 

And for the first time in a while, Ranboo got that taste of normalcy he had been longing for.  

Edit: I was re-reading this chap when I realized that when Ranboo was getting food, one of the stuff he got was goats meat and tubbo is HALF-GOAT. I'm sorry I just needed to point that out. Also, I'm aware that Ghostbur made the compasses for them I just wanted it to be like they made it themself so yea

My Compass Will Always Point to YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon