Chapter 8: Forgiven? (Tommy's POV)

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When Tubbo came in, he wasn't sure what to do. He thought he would have more time. Either way, Ranboo took care of it for him. But now, nobody could save him. The piglet had pickpocketed him just like he had done with strangers when he was younger. Talk about Karma. And out of everything Micheal could have stolen, he just had to take the compass. Now Tubbo would think he was clingy to keep the compass, which he kind of was.

"Hey!" Tommy yelled before he could stop himself, "Gimme it back!"

Micheal noticed that the needle pointed to his father no matter what he did and was positively delighted.

"Here I'll give you this," Tommy said as he took off his green bandana reluctantly, "And you'll give me the compass."

Micheal, noticing how Tommy didn't want to give up either, gave the compass back and refused to take the bandana. Tommy felt joy light him up on the inside. This was the nicest kid on earth. Tommy's eyes were still lit up as he put his compass back in his pocket and put on his bandana. He didn't dare look at Tubbo.

"You- you still have it?!" Tubbo exclaimed.

When Tommy looked up at him he felt a wave of shock wash over him. Tubbo was clutching his compass tightly. He still had his too. Tommy didn't know what to say. Had Tubbo actually forgiven him?

"Of course, he hasn't!"

The voices were back. Then again, they never left, did they? Tommy hated the voices, but what they said always made sense.

"Nobody wants you here!"

"They're just tricking you!"

"No they don't! You're lying!" Tommy thought to himself.

"Are we?"

"You don't deserve them anyway"

"What....?" Tommy whispered out loud.

"Your selfish"

"Nobody wants someone like that"

"You'll do them a favor by leaving"

Tubbo and Ranboo looked at Tommy with clear concern. Suddenly, Tommy got up and caught Ranboo and Tubbo by surprise.

"Tommy, you oka-" Tubbo started.

"I'm sorry, I'll go..." Tommy said, smiling sadly.

"What are you talking about?!" Tubbo asked.

"I don't want to burden you with my stupid problems," Tommy replied.

"Your problems aren't stupid! And where would you even go?!" Ranboo yelled.

Tommy stopped for a moment. Where would he go? He decided he'd just go back to Dream. He knew Dream wouldn't kill him. Dream liked to see his pain. Tommy was going to have to be ready to get more stitches then.

"I'll just go back to Dream," Tommy said dully.

"What?! You can't do that!" Ranboo yelled.

"He'll kill you!" Tubbo shouted.

"Does it matter?" Tommy asked in the same dull voice.

Everyone went silent for a second. Ranboo's eyes went wide and Tubbo just stood in a paralyzed shock. Tommy knew they wouldn't answer, so he turned back around and started walking toward the door. Then he felt something grab his sleeve. He turned around, thinking he'd see Tubbo, but saw Dream instead.

"Hi, Tommy! It's been a while," Dream said menacingly.

Tommy snatched his sleeve back as Dream started coming closer. He tried seeing where Ranboo and Tubbo were, but he couldn't see them. He soon got backed out into a wall. He slid to the floor.

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