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Jin was walking in the same dark and long hallway; heading to the dining area with Yoongi following behind. Once he entered the dining area, he saw Taehyung as usual, he was sitting on the other end of the table and Jungkook on his right side, a smirk playing on his lips. He turned his gaze on the man who has his head down on the table. He wondered who was the man. He took a deep breath before slowly walking towards them. He sat across from the man and he was in horror to see it was Jackson Wang who danced with him at the bar. His eyes were open and his head was only hanging a few inches on his neck. He screamed in horror and stumbled to his feet when he got up only to fall to the ground. It was too much.

Seokjin's mouth was open in a silent scream; tears falling again. He couldn't stomach the sight in front of him. It was horrible. He wanted to throw up.

Taehyung stood up and walked toward Jin. He knelt to face the scared Seokjin. He grabbed him by his waist the helped him stand up. Seokjin, without knowing what to do, just stood up; shaking in fear. Taehyung placed his arms around Jin's waist and intertwined his other hand with Seokjin's.

"Wanna dance just like you and Jackson Wang danced at the bar?" he grinned.

Seokjin looked at him in tears. Before he could even open his mouth to speak; he was being dragged out of the dining area to a dim dark room, only red-wall lights are lighting up the whole room making it hard to see.

Taehyung's eyes darkened and his grin grew wider as he stare at Jin. There's a sound of slow melodic music being played by a piano along with the violin. As soon as the music played, Taehyung slowly moved his feet to the right. He was moving nice and slow while his left arm wrapped around Jin's tiny waist and his right hand were intertwining with Seokjin's hand. Seokjin couldn't help but move along with Taehyung's slow one.

Their body was perfectly moving along with the music. They were dancing here and there. Taehyung turned Seokjin slowly, locking his eyes on Seokjin's wet one. Tears never left his eyes. The music makes him more scared and weak. It was giving chills down his spine with every turn Taehyung was doing.

When the music stops, Taehyung lets go of Jin, leaving him in the middle of the room; scared and still crying.

He flinched when the lights suddenly turned on. Now he realized that he was in a big hall; almost look like a castle and saw Taehyung sitting on a high-red chair that seemed like his throne; Jungkook and Yoongi were standing on each side of him. Jungkook on his right, Yoongi on his left. Taehyung still has the creepy grin on his face. Seokjin sobbed and wiped his tears.

Taehyung stood up and walked toward Jin. The sound of his shoes' heels clicking on the ground as he walks. He stood right in front of Jin then stared at him and caressed his chin. He lifts Seokjin's face to look into his glistening and full of fear and anger eyes.

"Let's play, shall we?" said Taehyung.

He let go of Jins face and walked back towards his chair— no, his throne; and crossed his legs.

"I bet you're familiar with hide and seek?" asked Taehyung.

Seokjin did not nod his head nor say "yes", he kept his mouth shut.

"Speak! I want to hear that sweet soft voice of yours!" he screamed.

Jin flinched as Taehyung's voice echoed throughout the hall.

"Y-yes," he mumbled.


"Y-yes!" said Jin, voice more louder than before but not as loud as his usual voice.

Taehyung grinned, "good." He straightened up in his seat, "listen, I'll tell you the mechanics. You hide, we find you for fifteen minutes. If you failed, you'll face consequences. Yes, consequences. Don't expect I'll give you only one because you made my life miserable inside the jail. Do you know how hard was it? Seven months without seeing you is hell," said Taehyung. Seokjin was trembling in nervousness, he doesn't know what was Taehyung's plan.

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