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Kim Taehyung, 28, was found dead inside his cell. Policies believe that Taehyung killed himself as they found him lying in his own blood. They found a pocket knife beside him. They didn't know how Taehyung had managed to hide the knife-

Seokjin almost drop the glass he was holding when he heard the news. He doesn't know how to feel. He, somehow, kinda feeling guilty for Taehyung killing himself. But the other side of him was crying in happiness. He admitted that he wanted Taehyung out of his life but can't just stomach the news he got. He was feeling sorry for Taehyung.

But now that Taehyung was gone, he doesn't have to worry about his stalker. Anymore! He can now live his life the way he wants. Not controlled by anyone. Not being a doll by Taehyung. He was free to do whatever he wanted! This is what life is for him.

He went to his work with a heavy feeling. He doesn't know where that feeling was coming from, but he himself wanted to celebrate.

"Seokjin?" Hoseok called out but Jin didn't hear what he said.

"Seokjin! Hey! Are you okay?" Hoseok snapped his fingers on Seokjin's face. Seokjin back to his senses and realized that he had been pouring the juice on the glass nonstop and it was dripping out of the glass.

"Are you all right? You were stunned, what happened?" Hoseok worriedly asked and put his hand on his friends' shoulders.

"I'm... I'm okay! I just..." he paused and sighed. He put the pitcher down on the counter of the kitchen and faced his friend. Hoseok looked at him, confused, "I just got the news that Taehyung..." Jin sighed once again, "he committed suicide."

Hoseoks' eyes widened and almost choke by his own spit, "he what?! Is that for real?!" he said, yelling in shock.

Jin slowly nods his head.

"You should be happy, Jinnie. You are now free from that asshole who almost ruined your precious life!"

Seokjin leaned on the counter, "I know. He deserves to be in jail but he doesn't deserve death."

"Not deserve?!" Hoseok said, yelling in frustration. He knows Jin has a good heart and he doesn't want anyone to be in harm or to die. He wants nothing but good for everyone. But for himself, Hoseok thinks Taehyung deserves his death, "he deserves it, Jinnie! And it's his life! Do you know how many people he killed just because he doesn't want them to go near you?!"

Jin was stunned at Hoseok's words. He, somehow, got a point. There are many people who got killed by Taehyung. He sighed, Hoseok's right.

"49, Seokjin! He killed 49 people including his own father and Jimin! But who knows? Maybe he killed more than 49 people in his past! He's obsessed with you, Seokjin, and don't ever think that he doesn't deserve his death because he does! Don't feel sorry for him! Feel sorry for yourself and for everyone who got killed by him," with his truthful words, he left leaving Seokjin alone.

He has many thoughts in his mind. Hoseok's words hit him so much. He was right after all and he couldn't disagree anymore.

After their duty, Seokjin went back to ha apartment and made sure to double lock his door and windows, as usual. He lie down on his bed and was still thinking about Taehyung.

"No, I shouldn't have to think about him," he lightly slapped his face and shook his head trying to convince himself to stop thinking and feeling sorry and guilty for Taehyung. It was his life after all. He decided to end his life.

He felt his phone vibrate, he took it out of his pocket, opened it, and saw Hoseok's message.

Hoseok-ssi: Hey, Jin. I'm sorry for what I said earlier. Wanna hang out with me and Yoongi tonight? Don't worry, we'll pick you up to make sure you're safe.

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