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Everyone looked around in amazement. "It's huge!" "You guys live alone here!?" Everyone yelled.

"My old man was to move in with me but he had to go to America once he finished the school paperwork. This place is close so it makes everything easy." Kagami replied.

(F/N) smiled. "I'm only here to watch the Winter Cup and I crashed into Taiga's place." She said.

"Huh? Where's the coach?" Hyuga asked. "Oh, she went into the kitchen with the food she got." Someone replied.

The room went dead silent and everyone started to shake in their boots and yell besides (F/N). 

"Huh? What's up with you guys?" The poor girl was clueless.

"(F-F/N). You don't know. The food she makes is non-edible. Like... Not edible at all." Kagami explained.

It was now her turn to turn pale. "The only time I ate non-edible food was with Satsuki." She muttered.

"Hey! You'll disturb the neighbors! Here it is! Nutrition perfection! Hot pot special! Don't worry. I don't cook things raw anymore!" Riko smiled.

The boys looked at the food and saw that it looked normal. "DON'T BE!" She yelled.

"Uhm... My bad, we just didn't expect it." The captain muttered. "Geez, what's up with you guys? At least say it looks good."

(F/N) smiled at Riko. "Thank you for your hard work, Riko-chan but me and Taiga ate hotpot yesterday. Though, it looks amazing and delicious." (F/N) said.

"Oh, don't worry, (F/N)-chan. Thank you." Riko smiled at the girl. "Then, thank you for..." The former was cut off. "Wait!" Hyuga yelled. "Huh?"

Hyuga turned to Kuroko. "Kuroko, why don't you take the honor of the fist bite?" He asked. "You look weird, senpai." Riko smacked Hyuga.

"YOU ASK HIM TO BE THE GUINEA PIG!?" Riko yelled. "YOU'RE WRONG!" The male yelled.

"THEN WHAT!?" The girl continued. "Then.. Here I go, thanks for the food." Kuroko started. "Huh?"

Everyone turned to the shadow. "Thank goodness we have a guinea pig!" They watched as Kuroko picked up... A BANANA OUT THE HOTPOT!?

"Why is there a banana in the hot pot!?" Everyone yelled. "It was in the bag so..." Riko started. 

"It's a desert and raw, for that matter!" Hyuga yelled. "But peeling bananas are..." Riko was cut off. "WHY ARE YOU BLUSHING!?"

(F/N) looked at the rackus. "What the hell is happening?" She asked in English.

Riko smiled. "Teehee. Sorry." The girl cutely said. "Hyuga, calm down. It seems normal besides that. See, vegetables." Kiyoshi then pulled up a... STRAWBERRY OUT!?

"Enough with the fruits!" "It's a desert!" Everyone yelled. "It was in the bag..." Riko said.

"You already said that!" They yelled. "Take vitamins." Riko continued. "Are you commanding us now!?"

Kagami lean to (F/N). "(F/N), can you make us dinner?" He asked. "Sure. What would you like?" She replied.

"Anything." The redhead continued. "If I remember, I saw other vegetables in the fridge. Want a salad? It's healthy." (F/N) suggested.

"That's good." The male nodded. "Wait a sec. It might actually be good." Kuroko said.

Everyone looked at Kuroko and saw him eat the banana. "He's eating it!?" Everyone yelled.

"Pretty good." Kiyoshi replied. "REALLY!?" Everyone questioned. "The fruity flavor works with the hotpot." "It's nice if you're not biased."

Hyuga took extra precautions then ate it slowly. Riko stood in front of the male. "It's... Good, Ma'am." (F/N) got up and headed for the kitchen.

"I'll be making our food." Everyone besides Kagami ate while (F/N) made a salad for herself and boyfr.. I mean, the boy.

Once she finished, she brought the 2 dishes to the main room where everyone was. "Kagami-kun is outside, (F/N)-chan." Riko said.

"Oh, thank you." The girl smiled. She walked over and opened the door then walked out.

"Man, is (F/N) done with the food?" Kagami thought out loud. "I'm right here." Kagami up and whipped his head back. "Sorry, did I scare you?" She asked. "Damn, right."

(F/N) then gave the red head his dinner. "Thanks, (F/N)." He replied. "No problem." They started to eat in comfortable silence.

"Hey, Tetsuya." (F/N) greeted the boy. "Kuroko?" Kagami raised an eyebrow. "Greetings, Coach." 

Kagami jumped in shock again. "WOAHHH! WHEN DID YOU GET HERE!?" He yelled. Kuroko looked at the male.

"Just now. That's why Coach (F/N) greeted me." Kuroko replied. "Crap, it's been a while. Man, (F/N), you really can see him, huh?" Kagami asked.

"I mean, I am his coach. I should be able to see him to help with his skills." (F/N) replied. "Hm." Kuroko nodded. The redhead sweat dropped at his friends.

"Kagami-kun, thank you for today." Kuroko started. "Huh? What's with this?" Kagami asked.

"I don't know, reuniting with Coach (F/N), finishing a match, and having dinner with the team, it just came to me. I'm really glad that I met you." He said.

Kagami blushed. "GEEZ! You always have something embarrassing to say!" The male yelled.

"Really?" The light blue haired male asked. 

"And we can't lower our guard yet. The Winter Cup just started. And with that. We showed all of our cards. We can't surprise anyone, anymore. Our matches will get harder to beat." The male said.

"Then, we have to get stronger and stronger." (F/N) smiled. "Ya, you're right." Kuroko then started to fall.

"TETSUYA!" "KUROKO!" Both of them yelled. They then looked through the glass sliding door and saw the lights off and bodies scattered around the room.

"T-Taiga..." The said male opened the door and entered. (F/N) went with him. "Please, someone... Answer us!" He yelled. Kagami and (F/N) started to get the others to wake up.

"Yikes. It's gotten late." "Everyone, get to bed once they get home!" "Thanks for letting us crash at your place, Kagami, (F/N)-chan." Everyone yelled. "It's not a problem." (F/N) smiled.

(F/N) assisted everyone into getting ready. "Hey, can I go to the bathroom?" Koganei asked. "It's the one on the right." Kagami directed.

Koganei then followed the male's directions and opened the door. Though, the door leads to a different room.

A bedroom to be exact with someone sleeping in it. Curiosity got the best of the cat-faced male so he moved the covers and exposed a lady that was half covered.

The male then ran out of the room like his life depended on it. "FUYUGA!" "Koga?" The team called out. All of the noise had woken the person in the room up.

"Hey, what's up with the noise?" The person asked while walking out and putting on a shirt. (F/N) went wide eyed, she knew the voice.

"Huh? Taiga, (F/N)! You're back! I missed you guys so much!" The figure and ran kissed each of the names mentioned. Once they backed up, the figure looked around.

"Who are you guys?" The figure asked. "WHO ARE YOU!?" The team shouted in shock.

MS. COACH - KUROKO NO BASKETDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora