~ Chapter 19: Jazzy 2.0 ~

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~ Huey ~

The room is very dark, with only a single light hovering above me.

I groan as I sit tied to a chair with rope.

I lift up my head seeing a gun held to my face.

I can't see who's holding the gun, only the black leather glove on his hand.

I grunted as he pressed the gun onto my forehead with pressure.


My eyes widened as I heard Jazmine's voice, screaming loudly from afar.




"HUEY, PLEASE HELP ME!" She cried as I aggressively tried to get out from the chair.

"JAZMINE! LET ME GO!" I yelled, but the man holding the gun against my forehead only started to laugh evily.





"Huey? Huey!"

I quickly jumped from out of my sleep, catching my breath.

It was just a dream.

I sighed in relief.

I then noticed Ebony hovering above me, a slightly confused look on her face.

"You okay?" She chuckled slightly, as I scowled while sitting up.

"I'm fine. Don't wake me up like that." I groaned as Ebony rolled her eyes.

"So much attitude. And to think I made you breakfast."

"You always make breakfast." I grunted.

"Hush. C'mon, get up!" Ebony beamed, beginning to walk towards the door.

"What's up with you this morning?" I quirked my eyebrow as she gave me a look as if I was supposed to know.

"C'mon Huey! It's the first day of junior year!" She smiled.

I rolled my eyes. "Great."

I then saw Ebony's expression change to a sympathetic face. "This is about Jazmine, isn't it?"

"No it's not." I shook my head, standing up.

"Huey, it's going to be fine-"

"Ebony. I need to get dressed. I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast, alright?"

Ebony sighed but gave in.

"Okay fine. But have a better attitude when you come down please!" She smiled before leaving and closing my door.

I groaned before sitting back down on my bed.

I pinched the bridge of my nose as flashes from my dream repeated over and over in my head.

I shook my head vigorously.

It's just a dream... Right?


"McHater, yo' ass eatin' all da eggs!" Riley complained as I rolled my eyes from across the table.

"Riley, you know it's only fair. Huey doesn't eat the bacon." Ebony chuckled. "Yeah, hush up boy and eat your bacon. Shoo." Granddad mumbled as he stood pouring his orange juice at the counter.

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