~ Interlude ~

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5 years later...

~ Huey ~

"Get out of here, Huey. Leave town."

"You are a domestic terrorist."

"Your loved ones will pay the price."

"I'm going to leave you alone for a while, Huey.
A long while."

"Don't forget what's at risk."

I groaned as I snapped out of my thoughts. I looked out to the town.

I stood at the top of the hill as the swift summer breeze blew through my afro.

It's been years since my last visit from the White Shadow. However, every time I'm up here, I'm reminded of his warning.

He's been quiet, nothing has happened.

Which only made me worry more.

Why has he waited so long to strike? What if he's planning something I won't expect?

It annoyed me greatly. At times I would hear rustling behind me, anticipating for him to appear.

But he hasn't.

It pisses me off. He's patronizing me.

It would make me content to believe that I am no longer a concern to him and that he's never coming back.

However, I cannot be so naive.

A lot has changed. I have a grandfather, a brother, and now a sister I need to protect.

I have a family I'm accountable for, and until I know they're safe for good I can't afford to put anyone else at risk.

Then there's Jazmine.

I sighed as I thought about her. The two of us have become so close over the years. Our friends and family have noticed and have been determined to push us together.

I can admit that I do have a deep care for Jazmine.

Yet, would it be selfish of me to give into my feelings despite the danger she could be put in?

Slight anxiousness filled me as I waited on the hilltop. Jazmine was the one who wanted to meet here because she has something to discuss with me.

I already know what it's about, and to be honest, it was obvious to both of us.

However, I already know my answer.

This is not how I wanted to start summer break.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I began to hear rustling from behind me.

I began to think.

Is it him?

Is he here now after all these years?

I turned around abruptly, anticipating his presence.

"Hey!" Jazmine beamed as she walked over with her gleaming smile. I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Jazmine. Do not sneak up on me like that."

"Why? Were you scared?" She teased while giggling  as I rolled my eyes.

There's much about Jazmine that has changed, but also a whole lot that hasn't. At times she's still that optimistic, sweet, and sometimes naive neighbor of mine.

However, Jazmine has also matured now being 17. She's become comfortable in her own skin and also more confident.

I then laid eyes on her.

She wore a bright green sundress with matching sandals. Her natural curls falling down to her shoulders.

She looks beautiful.


"You like my dress? It's new, and I wanted to wear it on the first day of summer. Ebony and Cin helped me pick it out."

I nodded. "It's nice, Jazmine."

"I feel like this summer is going to be magical. Maybe for all of us." Jazmine smiled at me as I looked in her emerald green eyes.

I could feel the conversation coming at any moment now.

However, I noticed she was holding something behind her back.

"What're you hiding, Jazmine?" I quirked my eyebrow as she smiled. She then showed me the hard copy of my book, Hope.

Over the years, I was able to get my book edited and published. Not on a large scale, however, it is displayed at a few local libraries.

There's still potential for growth.

"My book?" "Yeah, your book." Jazmine said as she walked closer.

"Jazmine, why do you-" "I just really feel like it's necessary for the moment."

I paused. "What moment?"

"This moment. Our moment, Huey. Our moment at our hilltop with this book." Jazmine smiled.

"For all these years, it's been you and me. We've been through so much together, and this book is one of the things that brought us together." She told me sincerely.

I briefly looked down to the book, then back at her.

"I know we've been best friends for years..." Jazmine trailed off, chuckling nervously. "But I know, and I think you know too that we're meant to be more than that, Huey."

Jazmine then took one of my hands, squeezing it slightly.

"It's taken me a while to finally admit... But I really like you, Huey. And I think you really like me too." She blushed. "So how about you and me spend this summer and start our junior year together hand in hand?"

I saw Jazmine's hopeful eyes look deep in mine as she caressed my hand with her thumb.

I took a deep breath before answering.

"We can't be together, Jazmine."

I saw a somewhat shocked and confused look on her face as I released my hand from hers.

"W-What do you mean? Sure we can-" "No, we can't. Because I don't want to be with you, Jazmine."

I then heard her slightly gasp, as tears began to fill her eyes. "B-But... But I thought you-" "Well, I don't."

"Oh..." Jazmine said softly, as I saw the tears pour out her eyes.

I sighed before turning away from her.

"I'm sorry. I have to go."

Before she could say another word, I quickly began to walk away from the hill.

I walked faster to cancel out her small cries.

I sighed in defeat, as I continued to make my way home without stopping or hesitation.

I'm sorry, Jazmine.

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