17. Nandini's secret out?

Start from the beginning

Nan (self talk): Aiyappa, now what is this new drama? I am sure study is just an excuse, they want to play a prank on me and they find this college as a perfect place, but what could be their prank? I can't even refuse to ma'am or else what reasoning would I give them. It's better to say yes, rest can be considered later.

Nan: No ma'am, I don't have any problem. I am okay with it.

 Nyo: Good then, so I was thinking why don't you start your tuitions a bit early today? Actually even Fab 5 were suggesting it, saying this is a college and can't be kept open till late in evening. I would have stayed back and seen for once how Fab 5 study with you but I have a very important meeting to attend and will have to leave now. 

Nan: Sure ma'am. Not an issue.

Nyo: Ok then, let's leave. I will go to my meeting and you to your class.

As Nandini was leaving, Neyonika calls her.

Nyo: Nandini, sometimes sharing your pain, your worries is useful. You may not get a solution but you would definitely get some relief like I got when I shared with you.

If you ever need someone to share your worries with, I will always be there for you, remember that. Right?

Nandini gets so overwhelmed with Neyonika's gesture that tears welled up in her eyes and she happily nodded.

Nan: Thank you ma'am.

While walking in the corridor, Nandini was lost in her thoughts, she was thinking of what Neyonika said about Fab 5, about Manik. She was thinking what could be the reason that once a topper is now scoring just enough to pass. Once a singer is now far away from music. Thinking all this she reached the class.


Cab: Guys, I am still saying that all this is not necessary, we will think of some other way no?

Muk: What's wrong with you Cabir? It's not that we are doing something like this for the first time, then why are you behaving so strange?

Man: Mukti, just let it be. I am sure by the end of the day Cabir would come to know that I am right, I mean we are right.

So. All set?

Al: Yes, aunty must have told her about the change of place. She must have also left for her meeting, so the coast is clear.

Muk: Good, now let's have some fun. Let's see Ms. Topper, how do you react to this one.

After the college gets over, Nandini heads towards fab 5 jam room as the tuition was supposed to take place there. She heard Navya calling her from behind.

Nan: Navya, you here? College is over, then how come you are here?

Nav: Exactly for the same reason why you are here.

Nan: I am here because of Fab 5....

Nav: Exactly, Fab 5 has called all the students in the auditorium, they said it's something important. I was not going but then I saw you, so thought of going too. Let's go together.

Nandini gets surprised on knowing this, she had no idea about the auditorium meet, keeping her thoughts aside, she went with Navya to the auditorium.

As soon as Navni reached the auditorium, a student stops them and says: Nandini, Fab 5 has called you at the backstage alone.

Nav: Why alone? I'll also come with her.

Nan: Leave it Navya, I'll go and see. By that time, you go inside and see what is there for both of us.

Saying so Nandini goes backstage where again a student informs her that Fab 5 has called her on the stage.

All this reminds her of a past incident, which happened am year ago, at same place, with same Fab 5. Yet she wasn't hesitant to step forward. She went to the stage and found people hooting, screaming and laughing.

She couldn't get what was going on, she was getting confused a lot, some students were passing weird comments on her.

1: So after all you proved that you are a man.

2: That to a beautiful man.

3: What else can we expect from her? She is not a girl after all, that we can expect girly habits from her.

4: Imagine guys, our very own beautiful man walking on the ramp.

All break into laughter.

Nandini was still confused as to what is happening around her, but to her luck, Navya comes upto her stage and turns her around.

She shows her a funny cartoon of her drawn in a taxi with funny captions.

She shows her a funny cartoon of her drawn in a taxi with funny captions

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Nandini gets stunned on seeing this.


Nandini's secret out?

What will she do now?

Will she speak for herself or run away?

Keep showering your love.

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