27. Return of him.

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A/n: Fag means a servent in this case as the manga used that word often, not the other meaning. Little history lesson, fagging was the word used to describe these boys in old British schools.

Your POV:

A lot has happened during your stay at the school. A small cat and mouse chase was made by the young master who exposed the so called Fag who pretend to be something he was not. With his exposure this lead to the master gaining his position as a fag leading him closer to his investigation.

It was by then Sebastian and Ciel notified you why they were there. Derek is a relative of the queen who has shut himself in this school with no contact to his family. Very suspicious I must say.

Recently too, it was uncovered that the boy who was presumed to be one of the dorm buildings turned out to not be there at all, under the minor circumstances of the young lord burning the building to find this information.

You looked at the mirror and admired your gown. A simple black dress with a turtleneck and full sleeves. It came with a matching black corset that complimented it perfectly with the lace showing in front. Not only that, you can move and hide your tail nicely as the bottom part of the dress flows down with small frills just above your ankle, nothing like those bunkley gowns rich ladies wear. You kept your bandana on at all times as well to hide your ears.

Stitched onto your dress is the nurse symbol in the colour red (plus sign), so others can recognise your position both tonight and tomorrow.

Tonight is a feast for all to welcome the players of the cricket match held tomorrow. You are a nurse who will attend to anyone with injuries during the match

*knock knock* was heard from your door. You walked over to ask who it was and as suspected the demon responding it was him.

The school did not wish for you to attend on your own. Sexism at its finest. So lucky Sebastian stepped in and took the responsibility to accompany you while you are at tonight's dinner.

You opened the door and closed it once you exited your room.

"My, you seem quite lovely tonight Y/N" Sebastian said with a warm look to his smile.

You hesitated a little from embarrassment and brushed it off, "yeh I guess the dress is alright" you responded.

"You know, Black really suits you?" The Demon grinned and eyed you up and down.

"Lets just go already" you huffed, walking off.

Before you could go any further the demon pulled you back swiftly and made you wrap your arm around his.

"We have to stay in custom, remember? You are to be a bashful little nurse". He said. Though you can tell he was enjoying the closeness.

You sighed and nodded. Walking with him as if you were a sickening couple that God and the devil forbid.

* * *

"Hello 'ms nurse', lovely to meet you tonight" a little lady curtsy to you. It was Elizabeth.

Naturally as Ciel's fiancée brother attends the school it was expected to see the family attend. They instantly saw myself and Sebastian and they knew immediately that we are here on an investigation.

"Why hello there Ms, what a lovely dress you are wearing today" you complimented.

Elizabeth giggled and mentioned she was happy you attended instead of just Sebastian. She likes your personality and impression.

You thanked her and she went back to her family.

As Sebastian left you on your own to catch up with the other tutors to get ready for the match pairing announcements so you decided to grab a quick drink.

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