17.Dont trust a man you just met

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No ones pov:

Y/N followed the Joker to the enterence of their tents.

"If you are wondering why i brought you here, well you could say I want to get to know you better. I think it's really nice to have someone else around here with a freakish flaw like yourself" joker then stumbled realising his badly choice of words, "w-well not a freakish flaw! Thats not what i meant-"

Y/N laughed and became flustered by his remark, hiding her face behind the flowers. Without the joker seeing, her face soon naturalised as she still has a very off feeling towards this man and his crew. Joker then gently pushes the flowers out of her face.

Y/n then spoke up, "i mean, im not the only one here with something unusural. Snake for example is basicly the same sort of thing like me. Animal hybrid".

The Joker replied, "But theres something special about you, different from everyone i have met around here. Like i said, i would love to get to know you better" joker then took one of Y/N's hand with his skeleton hand.

The two paused for a moment, until little Peter inturupted the moment, "Hey! Joker", he sounded out of breath from the running, "we got an emergency".

Joker turned to Peter and placed a small sigh before letting Y/N's hand go.

"I need to go for a bit to see what's the matter, it will be best if you wait here or wait at your tent until we resolve this". Joker then waved and rushed with Peter back to their tent.

Y/N knew this was a great opportunity to sneek and see what the emergency might be, and if this relates to ciel in any way.

* * *

Y/N snuck outside of the tent where they gathered. She stood close enough to listen into their conversation.

Snake finished explaining that the snakes saw both Black and Smile (Sebastian and Ciel) sneeking in their tents. Y/N got concered as she worried their identity may have been foiled.

Joker then thanked snake and sent him off to bed. "They might suspect something. So who are black and smile then? And what are they after" joker questioned.

"I say we get rid of them... tonight" Peter implied. This quickly made Y/N alarmed.

"No its a bad idea", Jumbo said.

"Jumbo is right, if they be the yard (this is another term for police) then killing them will put attention on us" joker said.

Y/N started to tence up in her place. They are guilty. Otherwise why would they need to even think about killing them.

"Ill have to ask father...I have to go now, i promised Y/N i would see her after this". Joker said while shuffling to get up.

"Didn't Y/N come along with those two as well? We should also keep an eye on her too". Peter said with a tone.

'Shit', Y/N thought. They're onto her now.

"You are right, we gonna have to keep an eye on all three of them". Joker replied

"You better think carefuly 'bout making a bond with that fox, caz we will be watching them, and if they start causing trouble, we will move without you". Peter ended.

Y/N heard Joker leaving the tent and decided to quickly run back to the entrance of their area. She sat herself down with the flowers set aside her, looking as if she was waiting there the whole time.

The Joker came into view and waved towards the little creature. "Hello there! Im suprised you were still waiting here..." the joker trailed off.

"Haha yeah, i just thought to wait for you and thank you once again for letting me join your crew, and the performance today". Y/N said, trying to win over his approval. If he can not trust the other two, then maybe getting your trust would surely help keep Ciel and Sebastian keep tracks on them.

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