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Y/N was only a 3 years old. She did not understand what was going on. Faint screams were heard from her small dorm, walls decomposing into dark shades of grey and brown and the wooden floor chipped and scratched.

Sounds of terror was normal. She did not think of it as a disastrous nightmare around her corner.

Y/N was only 6 years old. Her mother and father finally let her out of the deadly room and into the rest of the home. It was much cleaner, maybe a few tears on the wallpaper and marks on the floor by the shoe. They tended her much better, fed her and nursed her. They just wanted her trust gained.

Y/N was only 8 years old. She was taken into a laboratory and tested. Her parents owned an illegal organisation which experiments on people. Their goal was to try find a way to create a 'superhuman', by fusing and inserting different DNA of an animal into people's systems. They thought different abilities and skills could connect to the humans system, which failed many times.

Y/N was the only one with more, specialised treatment than any other kidnapped experiments; she was the daughter of corse. Her DNA had the Autumn forest beast, the red fox. Y/N was the only one who changed and became a walking beast. Her ears became long and pointy, with Y/H colour fur and a tint of red. Small white thin whiskers grew on each side of your check, and a great long tail of Y/H colour at the tip and red fur as the rest. Y/N were the superhuman they wanted.

Y/N knew this was wrong, and knew she needed to stop this before anything disastrous happens.

A great flame raised over the lab. Shades of red yellow and orange filled the sky, killing all the villains and finally giving peace and rest to the victims. Everyone died that night.

Y/N was alone now. No home, no parents, she must learn to live on her own.

One year later, Y/N is now 9 years old, and has learnt to live under the high and the rich. She steals to survive and protects the poor and weak from starvation and suffering. She is called a hero to them, but a thief and an outsider to the rich.

Y/N is still unknown to the world, no one knows of her incredible flaws.

Tail Coat And A Tail (Sebastian X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now