28. what is control

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You POV:

You and snake are out together buying objects and clothes using the gifted money your master gave.

Ciel was kind enough to gift his money to all his servents, mainly because mey rin was due a new eye sight appointment so he said everyone can have a budget on things you and them need.

Both of you entered a pet store where snake wanted to buy some dead mice.

"Why can't you let me catch some from the garden? It'll save money" you asked.

"We eat standard pelets on the daily basis, we need something premium at times, not a street rat...says emily". Snake spoke for his hidden snake  who slithered comfortably in his pocket.

Once finished you walked outside to see your young master with his butler and three servents waiting for you.

"Why have you not brought anything with the money I lent you?" Your master spoke with his new polished cane he just got.

You didn't buy anything because you didn't think you need anything new. Your mind has been on other things lately since the reapers appearance from last time. Even your dreams have been just of him lately. You almost seem depressed and your master and the butler have noticed.

The master sighed and looked to his demon and nodded.

"Alright everyone, we are all heading back to the manor. Sebastian will stay with Y/N until she uses every last penny I gave... ungrateful animal" he walked off.

You gasped at his remark but knew this was his way of being "nice".

As all the servents accompany their master into the carriage, it was left only Sebastian and you.

"We have a good solid 3 hours until the shops start to close. I'm sure we can find you something among the busy streets". The butler said.

"Im telling you, I do not need anything new. I'm happy with what I got". You responded waving your hands to say no.

From the distance, you noticed something running towards you, something blonde and cheery...

"Y/N!" Cried out elizabeth, running into a hug.

"Not so fast Lizzy! You shouldn't run away from me!" Her older brother said catching up and huffing and puffing from the run.

"How come you both are out on your own... don't tell me you both-"

"Absolutely NOT and I can tell you this rascal would be the last person I would want to partner up with" Y/N said quickly as possible, an innocent mind really thought the two of you were together.

Sebastians face froze in a solid smile which you could tell he was unhappy from that comment.

"Im certain I can not be that much of an eyesore for you to say that" Sebastian tried to reassure himself.

"Oh trust me you are" you turned and stuck your tongue out at the demon, loving the annoyed responce he has.

"So why are you both out then?" Elizabeth asked.

"Our young master ordered myself to accompany Y/N to buy things she needs, however she is refusing to buy anything"  Sebastian said, "if only there were someone who could help me change her poor tasteless mind".

Your brain ticked like a unexploded bomb when he called you tasteless. And you realised what he had done.

"Oh Y/N! I'll help you pick! If my fiancé wants you to buy something then it is also my duty to make sure that happens! Let's go" Lizzy held your hand and ran off again.

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