3.First day

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No ones point of view:

The night passed soundlessly. The waking of the birds chirped on the tall trees in the garden. The sun shinned down on those who are pleased with life, and to those who hope for the better. Y/N did not wake up to the sun poring into her face like normal times, as no window was in her room.

Y/N woke up naturally at 7:02am. She has gotten used to waking up at this time usually, since she had to keep aware of her surroundings a lot of her life. As she stretched her arms out and stood up from her slumber. She admired her gown for a while. It was still soft as yesterday.

Y/N forgot about the world problems for a small amount of time and smiled. 'I feel so relaxed', she thought, 'never have I ever slept like a princess in ages', although the room was nothing like a chamber in a castle, Y/N was still grateful, even if she never showed it before.

Y/N point of view:

My thought was broken when the sound of a knock hit the door gently.
"Who is there?"

"I-I'm Mey-rin. I'm H-here to get you ready, I have prepared y-you a bath s-so I'm here to help", the voice was squeaky but not annoying, she seems like an innocent maid as he stutters quite a bit.

Before I called her to come in, I DIDT feel confutable with her seeing my tail and my ears. I quickly sat on the bed with the covers hiding my tail and a pillow over my head to hide the ears, "come in".

The door creaked open slowly and the maid walked in. "H-hi... What are you doing?" She questioned, looking at my first impression.

"U-uh I'm I'm.." I didn't know what excuse to make so I kept silent.

"Oh, I know about you inhuman features... I-I think its cool to be l-like a fox! And don't think yo-your the only outcast of society". Mey-Rin smiled at me, which made me feel more relaxed and calm again.

"What do you mean? Are you different aswell?" I asked politely.

"Of corse, we all are, me, Sebastian and the two others you are soon to meet! But in the end, we are still human beings." Mey-Rin smiled and felt proud saying her small speech. I new now she would be a great friend to me, she makes me smile for the first time in ages... Wait am I the only one who knows Sebastian is not human?

"Ready for the bath?" She disturbed my thought.

"O-oh I am, you don't need to give me a bath you know, I could do it myself" I said with a smile on my face. It's hard to smile a lot when you never really smile, but I just really want her to know that I want to be her friend. I have never had a friend my age...

"Don't be silly! Let's go", and with that, she dragged me to the bathroom for a relaxing bath.

* * *
Right after I had a bath, I walked out of the door feeling yet again, moody.

"Do I really have to wear this..." I looked back to what I was wearing, it was a maid dress that was black and lilac. The maid outfit hit the knee and poofed out a bit. My tail hanged low in sight and my ears wear shown with my h/c shiny hair. "Don't you have a spear trousers and a shirt I could wear?"

Mey-Rin looked surprised to my question,"Oo you are such a different lady, I t-think we will get along well!"

Yes, she is my first friend! I hugged her tightly and said "thank you for being my friend", she stared at me and huge back.

"I'll s-see if I could try find some spear clothes for you that you feel confutable in. But please tell the Lord first, he is s-stricked about his rules.

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