11.little foxes

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(A/N: oh i THOUGHT it might me IMPORTANT to describe sebastians personality in this story as a A lot of the fanfictions mostly have sebastian and a lovey doby kind of person or a yandere but my sebastian is not really like that. I thought I'll be more realistic because hes a demon. So Sebastian is very much more violent and "disturbing" (such as having some weird fetish for imagining you being murdered or something idk) than romantic, that is in his thoughts, because we all know seby Chan is a gentalman outside, So yeh heres just an insight of my sebastian so i though letting you know would be a good idea incase some of you do not enjoy that kind of gore-y type love.

Enjoy the chapter!)

Sebastian's point of view:

How pathetic. I have been walking around this whole area for more than 2 hours and I have yet to retrieve Y/N. I stand firm on a rooftop and squint my eyes with my right finger and thumb on the bridge of the nose. The young master ordered me to claim her back before morning, which is by 7am, supposedly its around 9pm and i have at least 10 hours until i find her, plenty of time. Why is it so difficult to find this wrecked human; yet it could be the fact that she does have dna of an animal, meaning she is technically no longer a full human.

The fact she may not be a full human brings my mind filled with joy. A broken and beaten soul in my grasp, it makes me want her even more baldly, I want to devour her.

I look down on the soft foggy streets and see a bunch of foxes feeding on scraps. A brilliant idea formed in my mind. I jumped off the roof and grabbed a neck of one of the foxes, the other's rush away in an instance. I picked the fox up, holding all four paws in one hand and my other hand still gripping tight on the neck. I walked my away near the Undertaker's shop. I have a high prediction she is in there.

I stopped a street away from the Undertaker's and lowered the fox which was trying it's hardest to struggle free, I chuckled at the statistic sight, how i wish it was Y/N in its place.

I snapped one of the foxes leg which gave out a loud cry and placed it on the ground. I jumped back up onto the roof and watch the struggle of the fox try to limp away, only to fall and fail. Now I wait.

Your Point Of View:

My ear twitched to the sound of a cry not so far. I slowly laid up from the bed and adjusted my eyes. The room is dark, however, from the torturous experiment, I have been given the ability to see in the night. Its not very clear so at times i become blind in the dark like all humans, but it gets me going. I got off from the bed and stood up, the chilly cold temperature hits my face which awakens me. The gown that was given to me was rather loose so my left shoulder was exposed as it tilted to the left.

Walking my way to where Undertaker laid, i saw the creepy yet fascinating creature sleep without a sound. My ears twitches again to the direction of a faint cry. I walked towards the door slowly and crept outside. No lights where lit, no sight of the moon was visible and the fog was light yet unsettling. Luckily i could faintly see in the dark, however the fog only started to blur my vision.

In the distance i see a small figure laying carelessly on the group, and walking up to it, i can now tell it was a damaged fox. I ran over to the poor soul and held him in my arms as it sobbed. My vision started to disappear as the fog became slowly thicker, and i could see another figure emerge in front of me. It was the demon.

"You would of thought a brave rebellious young lady like yourself would not have been fooled", The sinister man spoke, mocking me with his late chuckle.

"You pathetic evil BITCH" I screamed out, watching his blurry vision come closer only to disappear.

"oh darling, is it not you who is the bitch?" My ear turned to the direction of the voice and I turned my head to the right quickly like a flash, "It's a shame you have a foul mouth, we could of used you for a lot of our assignments -"

"I am not a tool" I spat, then Sebastian's figure disappeared once again.

This time, it sounded like his voice was right against my ear, "Then what are you" he coolly said against My ear. My heart was racing as i held against the fox tighter as it wimpers quietly on my lap.

I looked around once more to find sebastian but it was no use, the fog has gotten too thick and so i have become blind like any other person in this light-less foggy night. I buried my face into the neck of the fox and stayed in that positions emotionless-ly. The fox then started to lick my cheek in comfort, as if trying to calm me. However seeing the sight of a broken fox, paralysed me, especially when i am unable to see anything because of how dark it is.

Sebastian's point of view:

I truly enjoyed seeing Y/N suffer, watching her beautiful paralysed body shiver in defeat. Oh how much I want to keep her and abuse her, but I'm bound to the young master, and i truly desire his soul more than this, courageous lifeless creature.

I move closer to her from behind and interrupted her ears by stroking them slowly and she let out a quick quiet moan in surprised and looked up, although she was unable to see me, I knew she could sense me.

"i-f you help this fox" she began softly, looking down to the creature again, "I will come back with you without struggling". I tilted my head and smirked. I have won this little game.

"Very well" i said with my soothing butler like voice, "i will be escorting you back to the mansion, however you must carry the fox" Y/N sighed and slowly got up, holding the now sleeping beast in her arms. I then swiftly picked her up bridle style, as if both foxes where the weight of a feather. I looked down to see her face tint with pink as she buried her face into the fox; how adorable. I hopped over rooftops and in a flash i ran back to the mansion, but while i carried her i heard her whisper, which made me grin,

"God does not care"

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