32. Progress

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No ones POV:

During a busy day, Elizabeth invited herself over with her family to see Ciel.

Sebastian had to sleek his hair to fit the standard of the lady's mother.

As the family chitter and chat, Sebastian hears the door nock. It was tanaka.

"Very sorry to intrude, there's a visitor by the entrance", tanaka said gently.

Both the Sebastian and tanaka exchanged bows and swapped places, tanaka now taking over Sebastians duty while Sebastian engages with the visitor.

Sebastian walked towards the main door and gently opened it, only for the door to be pushed agressivly inwards with a red individual trying to lunge onto him.

The Demon only stood aside and watched the thing fall in failure.

Demon took no time to grab the falled intruder and throw him far outside to keep any disturbance away from his lord.

"Oh bessy" grell spoke, "is that ANY way to treat a pretty lady at your doorstep?"

"What are you doing here" he demon walked towards the reaper who got up quickly dusting themself of.

"Well first off I wanted to please my eye with the most handsome man around" he flirted.

Sebastian was about to hit another blow but the reaper protested.

"Wait wait! I'm here to see Y/N!". He cowardly said hiding behind his hands to try stop the impact of the demons attack.

"Why on earth would you think I would allow that?".

"Because I asked", a voice from behind the demon said.

Y/N came out of view and walked pass the demon and stood infront of him.

"You know I have to appose to this" the butler said knowing that the reapers are an enemy to both him and his lord.

"Im not making an alliance with the reapers, I asked him to visit while the master has guests over so I can ask a few questions". She said..

The Demon knew straight away this was going to be about her past life with the dreadful silver haired reaper.

As Y/N walked away the demon grabbed her arm and tightened his grip.

Y/N looked to the demon, "please Sebastian I need to speak to him, I promise you I'll be back, the young master is still my lord after all" she finished.

The Demon let the fox go and watched her walk away with the red reaper.

He then looked towards a lit window where the young master is with his lady and her family to see his lord nod his head.

Sebastian took that as an order to follow the pair.

* * *

Your POV:

You walked away from the mansion and headed to a small lake.

"I think we are quite alone now, so what is it a lady like yourself called me out here for?". Grell asked.

"We all know that I had some 'partnership' with the Undertaker. Since he was a reaper like yourself, I assumed you may know something that can help me understand who I was before". You admitd to him.

"Oh sweetheart I am no use! The Undertaker has been around far longer a lot of us like myself". They said.

They're right. You know grell committed suicide during this century. Highly doubt they know anything about the Undertaker.

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