39. last day of human life

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Your POV:

You sat on a comfortable dinning chair, awkwardly alone.

Just moments before you finished rampaging the undertakers underground room after he explained yours and his connection to ciel. You completly recked and destroyed that room. Damaging all the coffins, breaking glass instruments and throwing objects at the Undertaker in frustration.

Now you're sad feeling guilty. All the Undertaker did was tell you the truth. There's of course no knowing for 100% facts, but everything he has said up till now feels very familiar and faint in your memeory so it's definalty no lie.

You hear some footsteps behind you.

You turned around to see the little lady elizabeth and the undertaker. A weird duo.

"It's good to see you are still here" Lizzy smiled.

You stared at the Undertaker and slightly pointed in embaresment. "Im very sorry about your...chamber".

The Undertaker giggled and responded, "he he thats alright, its best you let out your rage".

You watched as Lizzy sat down on one of the dinning chairs as well, the Undertaker helping her to her seat.

"There's someone I would like for you to meet". The Undertaker said.

The reaper walked away and left you and Lizzy together.

No one said a word for a few minutes. Honestly what can you say.

Lizzy spoke up, "can I ask what it is you and the undertaker spoke about?".

You looked to her and thought maybe it's not best to mention anything. It'll definatly confuse the life out of the poor human mind of hers as much as it did to you.

"Im sorry elizabeth, I'm afraid I can not explain". You looked down at the table reminding yourself of everything thats been revealed.

Elizabeth noticed your emptiness in your eyes, the same she has time to time as well. She knew it was best to not try and budge it out of you.

After another silent moment, you heard more footsteps walking in. This time double.

You turned around and couldn't believe your eyes.

"YOUNG MASTER!" You shouted getting up.

You stood up in a flash but hulted when you took a better look at his face.

He has a deathly smile that lingered similar to how the Undertaker would, and two eyes stared back at you, not one covered or marked with the symbol.

"Who are you?" You asked the unknown boy that looks like your master.

He lightly chucked and carried on walking, pass you to his seat.

You couldn't help but just stare, not knowing what you are seeing.

The Undertaker pulled his chair out and helped him sit down.

The boy placed one hand on his chin and pointed at the chair for you to sit down.

You gulped and sat down.

This time the boy stared at you. Observing everything about you.

"OK enough again I need way more fucking awnsers now". You blurted out.

"She is exactly how you described" he turned to the Undertaker and said. Ignoring you.

You got flustered but kept your cool, "can I please just have my explanation". You asked.

The boy looked to you and then looked to elizabeth.

When Lizzy saw the boy stare at her she looked up in slight excitement. Was this the shinning thing she was talking about the whole time?

Tail Coat And A Tail (Sebastian X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora