42. Team swap 2

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Sebastians POV:

I stand watching my lord have a tantrum. The failed plan put this boy in a pit of rage, lashing out on the grounds soil.

"He can not win, I am the phantomhive NOT him" he cried.

"My lord that is not the proper way to act" I approached him and dragged him up from the floor. This misserable child has snapped.

"Let go of me" he shooed me off and I complied.

I saw him look to snake and so did I to him.

"You know the truth now, what do you have to say about this then?" He said with frustration to snake.

Snake stood there taken aback from the boys reaction. Then his snake spoke and he spoke for him.

"Snake and I will keep your black secret, only if you" he then pointed at the demon, "do not try to devour us, said oscar".

I should of expected that the snake man and his snake wouldn't understand much about my demonic contracts.

"You have my word", I said, "I have no intentions on pursuing anyone but my lord" he bowed.

Snake complied with Oscar. Oscar had always looked out for him since he was a child and forced to be bonded. He will always trust his instincts.

Such a unique creature.

"My lord, I can easily track down Y/N if I leave immediately. I would suggest snake safely takes you back to our hiding". I say.

If I leave as I said, I can follow the scent and catch up to Y/N. Snake agreed and both boys ran off. I have no doubt snake and his pets will deliver him unharmed.

Then I was off. I ran through the wet forest slushing the ground beneath me. After a little while, I arrived to what looked like an abandoned church in the middle of nowhere.

I could easily hear two faint familiar voices.

I approach the buildings font door and creaked it slightly without anyone noticing. The rain now poured heavy, leaving me soaking wet as I listened.

* * *

Your POV:

You sat on one of the broken benches one hand holding your head. You thought about why the Undertaker would do this, what does he accomplish by lying?

You looked up from your hand to see the Joker staring down at you.

"Your wings are magnificent" he clapped his hands together in awe.

You didn't care much for any compliments at that moment. You just want someone to explain, and since you faintly remember the man before you he would be a good start.

You retracted your wings to keep the man focused on your topic, "I rather get to the point, what happened before I was with the Undertaker and who where you to I before this?"

The man sat next to me and begun speaking softly.

"I can only tell you about our times together as I do not know much about your life beyond that". He said.

That must mean he wasn't prominent in your life.

"You, the boy and his demon stumbled onto my circus under cover without us knowing. I and my crew blindly gave you a home in exchange for your brilliant talents the three of you presented" he started to explain.

"I watched you as you performed miraculously, Ye' were stunning to look upon, even now!" He looked to you excitedly.

You slightly blushed but held it back.

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