13.Undertaker once again

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No ones point of view

Y/N's few week have been exceedingly well after returning to the manor from a disturbing unforgettable event. Although there have been minor issues between her and the demon, she's become more found with her new environment than before. She feels more comfortable, with the support of the servants.

Over time the young lady bonds with new faces, meeting Chinese individuals with a mysterious history and an enthusiastic Indian with a peculiar butler with incredible strength. Unfortunatly as she starts to settle down, yet another new assignment has been placed upon the young lord.

Y/N, the demon and then Lord are sat within a carriage heading towards inner London. Ciel sat on one side of the carriage facing towards the direction they are heading while Y/N and the demon sat uncomfortably close opposite the young master. Y/N became bashful as she turns away from the demon because of the closure, while sebastian only stiffened and found pleasure in Y/Ns minor suffering.

Ciel opened a letter delivered by her majesty, a ticket was inserted within the envelope with a note.

"Looks like the queen may have some suspicions that the new incomers have something to do with the missing children", Ciel then held up the ticket to what looks to be a circus.

Y/N looked outside upon the streets of london and noticed one of the circus posters hung high illuminating the damp streets, "It is clearly a cover up, I never liked clowns to begin with, i knew they were always fishy".

"You have a fear of clowns?", Sebastian turned to look at Y/N cooing his head.

"Of course not, I've never found one amusing and i bloody hell wouldnt want to encounter one, they look horrible and rediculous!"

"Enough with this nonsense, and Y/N I forbid you to speak in such a mannor as such in public space, it is proper for a lady as yourself to present yourself as modest as possible".

"Yes, young master, sorry young master", sighed Y/N. She has gotten used to that phrase, Ciel has been keeping an eye with the attitude and language because she does not obtain the proper manor of an upper class so he consistently corrects her so she becomes as perfect and obedient as Sebastian and his servents.

Moments passed as the carriagearrived at the location; the Undertaker. Y/N recieved a chilling stare from Sebastian, reminding them both of the incident that happened a while ago. Walking onwards, they arrived and entered the Undertaker's fortunate shop.

Upon entering the dark room, the Undertaker gave quite a scare to the young master and Y/N as he appares while the butler stood his stance.

"Welcome earl, have you come to choose your coffin? Hehehehe" he mocked, then looked upon Y/N with a smile, "Your al just in time, I baked a cake".

"Ooo a cake? May I have-" Y/N was cut off by Ciel.

"For goodness sake Y/N as my servent accompanied by my side you should not be asking these questions! It is improper! When will you understand?" Ciel a little frustrated then sat on one of the coffins mentaly face palm himself with his servents stupidity to act professional.

"Young Lord i admire your commitment however i am glad to offer this pretry young lady a slice of cake", Y/N became embarrassed by his compliment as her cheeks grew a tint of red. Sebastian noticed and grew jealous. "After all, a fox as herself are always hungry".

Ciel looked puzzled, "how to do you know of her form?", he said, looking over to Y/N ti see if her clothing signified her animal features that should be hidden, however no trace was found.

"Thats 'caz- I mean, young master I have met the Undertaker once before". Y/N tried to speak in a polite and obedient manner, which impressed Sebastian very much as to the young earl.

"Very well then, this is indeed a small pathetic world". Ciel continued. "As for you Undertaker, you know why we have attended today, here are the documents of the missing children".

"That is correct my lord, though, everything comes with a price". Undertaker gave his amusing giggle while saying so.

"That sounds reasonable, why dont you give him the money then?" Y/N commented looking towards both the earl and the butler.

"Why my dear, it is not money I desire, it is laughter". He spoke with a hint of hunger driven in his words. "Though young master, it seems your butler is always the one to do it for you, can you ever do anything yourself? Oh well a laughter is still a laughter", he added mockingly.

Ciel became very flustered and annoyed, "Fine. I'll do it. Sebastian, Y/N go outside and do not peek", he demanded. Sebastian only bowed and dragged Y/N out of the building who was still confused and baffled.

"I don't get it, you pay him by telling him a joke good enough to crack him up?" Y/N adressed to Sebastian who only stood still and firm outside the shop.

"Indeed, he is a unique character, however for most I am the one who conducts the jokes, so it is most unusual that our young master has took it upon himself to do it.

From then onwards they had nothing to do, Ciel and the Undertaker have been doing something for quite a while which seems it may go on for longer than it already has. Y/N was now laying on the floor bored to its extreme.

"This is taking longer than it should. Are you sure the young master hasn't died in there?" Y/N questioned, looking towards the demon next to her who was still facing the door.

"Do not threat, the young master is not dead and out if everyone I would of thought you out of all humans would disobey his order", he then leaned down on one knee and gave a chilling smirked. Y/N has became very familiar with it now however.
Y/N did take note that the demon was correct, you have become obedient to Ciel's orders, however because the demon brought it up, she has to know what they were doing in there.. however by the time she thought of the idea Sebastian inturupted her.

"Time to go back inside", Sebastian reached his hand out to help the young fox up from the ground.

They entered the shop, there was a lingering strange odour circulating the room. Y/N decided to use one of Sebastian's sleeve to cover her mouth, another way to annoy the demon as he looked upon her with an eye twitch.

"Oh young earl, who would of thought you would do so much for the queens bidding" with undertaker statment, she noticed the undertaker was out of breath and wasnt laughing as he stated at the beginning that his payment was laughter.

Then it hit her what went down and she shuttered in her spot, with Sebastian's arm still by her face. Sebastian grinned as he noticed Y/Ns sudden realisation and crepted toward her ear to whisper, "What a dirty little thought from a little fox as yourself". This made Y/N red in embarrassment and push Sebastian's arm away from her. She then covered her face in embarrassment and headed towards the door again, waving at the Undertaker once more before waiting outside for her young master and the demon to be finished.

A moment passed and they soon came out of the shop learning that no body's were found or sent to the undertaker hinting they must still be alive.

"We are now going to attend the circus", Ciel ended.

(Author note: after reading this section of this chapter i am pretty sure Ciel did something sexual to the undertaker because he did not have his hysterical laugh after and they both looked very messy, aswell as the phrases that both Sebastian and the undertaker said implying that he would do anything and i mean anything for his queen.
Tbh i expected it because the author did say it was going to be a Yaoi manga first, plus its a 16 plus manga so...

It still puzzles me tho that he actally inserted that in this chapter because in the end ciel is 13 and the undertaker is 10299292292929 years old...NONCE ALERT)

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