18.Tomorrows Trust

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Your pov:

I woke up to the sounds of clattering noises. I was sleeping on the top bunk since Sebastian did not show up last night. Must of delt with Beast with whatever he did.

I looked over the side and rubbed my eyes to see William wearing his professional attire that is custom for all reapers.

"Morning William" i said yawning at the end of my sentence.

"You mean good evening" William replied tightening up his tie.

"What???" I shouted and leaned over the edge of the bed in shock. I leaned too far and fell over the ledge of the top bunk.

Luckly Willam caught me before i tumbled down. He set me down gentaly on the floor and continued to get ready as i persume.

"I didnt mean to over sleep, im suprised no one came to wake me up. Are you by any chance leaving?" i asked.

"Indeed i am. I thought to stay here until you wake up so i can properly say my goodbyes". He said, now standing straight and looking down at me.

"Oh that's very kind of you! How come you are leaving?" I replied back

"Well since your master and that demon has left the premises, I can now properly attend to my duties without any disruptions". He said pulling his glasses up.

They left? I don't know what is even happening at this point. Im not sure if i should just stick around here or go back to the complex that they most likely went back to. This is where the two cheerful indians are staying as well while we were here.

As i was lost in thought William spoke up, "i am guessing they have not told you anything about their plans. How disgraceful to leave you on your own like this".

"Oh its ok, im sure i can figure out what to do. Thank you for thinking about me either way! It was nice seeing you though all of this."

"It has been a pleasure seeing you here. I shall be on my way now. Until next time dear Y/N" he ended, and with that he left.

Now I'm stuck. I sat down on the floor and waited like a lost child. From my guess from light outside the tent, it was only around 4pm.

No ones pov:

As Y/N waited patciently, and familiar face showed up in the tent. It was Sebastian.

"Finally! I waited ages. Im not sure whats happening anymore. William left and said you and master ran off somewhere" y/N said getting up from her place.

"I had to take the young master back to the apartment. He has caught a nasty illness which may be a symptom of his asthma". Sebastian said.

"Oh, hopefuly he gets better soon". Y/N said pacing up and down the tent.

"I needed to ask you if you found any important information that could help us?" Sebastian said again.

"Well, last night before you came about, they had an emergency meeting and i snuck near their tent and over heard them talk about someone called father".

"Ah, i know about this man you speak of. When i spent my night with Beast i managed to seduce her into telling me more about him". Sebastian raised his hand to chin rubbing it as if thinking.

"Wait- you spent the night with beast??". Y/N said harshly but not too loud.

"Why yes, it is my way of getting the information i desire, why, are you jealous yourself?" The demon smirked and got close once again to the fox.

"No! I am just shocked. It never crossed my mind demons could do any...sexual things..." Y/Ns mind trailed off. "ANYWAYS- since you already know who he is, i think its important for you to know that Joker has left to go see this father".

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